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Luda did exactly what she said she would do and she did drive to their house before being stopped by the guard at the front.

She naturally did not make an appointment and so the guard asked her to show her ID. She exploded in anger when she heard this request.

“I am Park Luda!” She hadn’t brought her ID, but even if she did, she would not show it. Have you seen a person who had come to smash up the place announce themselves?

The guard is a young man in his 20s. He scratched his head, “Who?”

She was taken aback, " Don’t you know who owns the Yuezhu Group?”

The more she said, the more confused the guard got, “Haven’t heard of them before. Miss, no matter who you are, you can’t drive in there without making an appointment in advance.”

Luda was both angry and embarrassed. She had already begun to retreat in her heart, but she couldn’t bear to lose face on the surface and didn’t want to leave in such a pathetic manner. So she opened the car door and began arguing with the guard.

“I’m here to see Kim Hyunjung. If you don’t know me, you should at least know my sister, right? She comes here quite often!”

The guard looked at her suspiciously, “Who is your sister?”

“….Park Soobin! Didn’t I just say that!”

“Oh!—-” The guard suddenly nodded, “Yes, you did.”

A happy expression broke out on her face for about a second before the guard continued with a shake of his head, “But I still don’t know who that person is.”


The van finally reached the neighborhood and Hyunjung's assistant immediately spotted Luda's flaming red sports car from a distance. She quickly turned around and reported the enemy’s situation to her boss, “Maam, Luda is here again!”

Hyunjung originally had her eyes closed and relaxed. She opened her eyes and looked at Jiyeon next to her first and made sure she was still asleep. Then she turned her head and looked out the window.

“Go deal with her.”

The assistant eagerly rolled up her sleeves, “Ok!”

This is a two-lane road. When a car drives up to the door, a pole on the other side immediately lifts. Seeing that Hyunjung's car had returned, the guard quickly ran over and knocked on the passenger seat’s window.

The window lowered and the assistant's big bright eyes appeared. Seeing that familiar face, Luda immediately walked over, “Unnie! I’m here to find Hyunjung. Is she in the car? Tell her to come out.”

With the blackout technology on the glass windows, she couldn’t see inside the car.

The guard scratched his head again, “Miss, do you know this young lady?”

The assistant looked at Luda and then looked at the guard innocently. She blinked, “I don’t know her.”

After speaking, she waved her hand at the guard and then rolled the window up. The car promptly drove away and Luda watched it leave in a daze. The guard, like her, watched the car reach the main road before turning his head to look at Luda, “Look, they’ve even verbally said they don’t know you, so how can I let you in?”

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