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Jiyeon was stupefied by the scene that unfolded before her.

She stared at Luda's tear-stained face and swollen eyes with a dumbstruck gaze. The other party continued to cry and then stubbornly raised their head to stare back at her with their peach-like eyes.

She looked at the sorry state Luda was in and suddenly felt like she was some kind of scumbag.

Luda stomped on the ground in frustration, her high heels making crisp sounds when it met the floor, “Kim Jiyeon! The more you act like this, the less willing I am to give you up! Before you were married and happy, so I agreed to never trouble you again, but now the situation has changed. I must make you fall in love with me! My goal is to have you apply for a marriage certificate with me immediately after you get your divorce certificate!”

Jiyeon: “…..”

Can she even refuse?

In this entertainment circle of celebrities, Luda belongs to the category of low-key celebrities who never act out of line, but, when it comes to Jiyeon, she becomes a completely different person.

She is about the same age as her. The first time they met was when she went to the premiere of Jiyeon and Hyunjung’s movie and saw her on the big screen. At the time, her mother was trying to play a matchmaker between her and Hyunjung.

Before the marriage contract was established, both had a very common relationship with each other as acquaintances. They usually would engage in some small talk when they met each other, but that was it. After the two families established a marriage contract two, the two of them simply stopped seeing and both avoided the other.

To be honest, Luda was looking forward to this marriage at first. Since young, she was blinded by the shining halo named Kim Hyunjung and had long admired her as her big sister’s childhood friend. Deep down, she had a faint longing for her, but when she heard Hyunjung had run away from home to avoid marrying her, that faint longing promptly drifted into the wind.

Their relations grew estranged. Although the two of them were not at the point where they couldn’t stand the sight of the other, one could say with certainty that the two of them would never fall in love with each other in this lifetime.

Her mother couldn’t understand her. Kim Hyunjung has good looks, a good personality, and is a talented artist. Since her daughter likes women so much, why not like someone as amazing as her? She thought it was because the two didn’t know each other well enough, so she dragged her daughter to the premiere of Hyunjung's latest movie.

However she never would have thought that after this premiere, not only did Luda's feelings towards Hyun jung not change, but she had instead fallen in love with Kim Jiyeon, who had become Hyunjung's underground girlfriend at the time.

Whenever anyone mentions this moment from the past, Luda's mother would beat her chest in regret and say that she wished she could go back in time and slap her stupid past self to death.

In the past Jiyeon understood that Luda liked acting, not the actual ‘her’ but the character she had portrayed.

But the current her doesn’t know this, and right now she thinks that Luda has been in love with her for many years.

While Luda continued to talk, she suddenly felt something was wrong. Why wasn’t Jiyeon trying to persuade her? Every time they met, she would brutally tell her some harsh facts until she was dizzy and forced to retreat.

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