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Jiyeon opened the door and saw Hyunjung standing in front of the door holding a photo frame. The other party did not speak so Jiyeon took the initiative to ask, “Something the matter?”

“Can you let me in?”

Jiyeon's eyes flashed with doubt, but she still moved to the side and let her walk in. Inside there were many places one could sit with many different sofas, chairs, and stools littering the room, but Hyunjung had to choose the bed which was the farthest away from her.

She sat on the bed and then looked down at the frame in her hands. Jiyeon walked over with a confused look and frowned. She observed the other for a long time and then opened her mouth to speak when suddenly Hyunjung raised her head and showed her the photo frame, “I changed the frame, does it look good?”

Jiyeon nodded blankly, “It looks good.”

Although she had no idea if the current frame was different from whatever the previous one was.

Hyunjung's gaze lowered for about two minutes before she put the photo frame on the bedside table, “The previous frame that I broke was shattered into pieces so I already threw it away."

Jiyeon didn’t know that the original picture frame was broken. She could only act like a soldier who didn’t question any order they were given and pretended to act calm as she answered with a, “Oh, I see.”

Hyunjung looked up at her with a pair of eyes that could distinguish truth from fiction and Jiyeon felt like she was a fox demon who’s been caught and had their large tail grabbed.

“What do you ‘see’ exactly?”

Jiyeon blinked, not understanding what the other meant, “Huh?”

Hyunjung stood up and took a step towards her, “I didn’t break the frame, you did.”

Fu*k! Hyunjung has uncovered her secret! And she found out so soon!


Jiyeon's face went blank and her eyes flickered with guilt. Her entire face was one of someone who’s been caught in the act. Hyunjung took another step towards her and this time she was right in front of Jiyeon and even forced her to take a step back. However, there was a chair behind her so even if Jiyeon wanted to retreat, she couldn’t unless she sat down. Which she did.

Suddenly, the two’s postures were reversed and Jiyeon bitterly realized that whether she was sitting or standing, Hyunjung's aura made the woman always seem two meters taller than her.

“What is going on!”

Hyunjung's tone was obviously much more serious than when she had greeted her downstairs. She quietly raised her head and glanced up but was frightened by the blatant anger on the other’s face. She hurriedly lowered her head again and wildly tried to think of an answer.

She had lowered her head after taking only one look, but if she had looked closer, she would’ve seen the look of deep concern on Hyunjung's face.

Jiyeon was fine just a few days ago, but suddenly she became like this, how can she not worry? And while she was worried, she was also really, really angry. Something bad had happened, yet instead of telling her, Jiyeon had tried to desperately hide it from her. What did this say about her image in Jiyeon's heart? Was Jiyeon so afraid that she would take advantage of her accident to make trouble?

When she thought of it this way, she became so furious that she felt like she couldn’t take it anymore and she clutched her heart before inhaling and exhaling deeply. She suppressed the anger that was about to explode, pressing down her emotions before asking again, “Kim Jiyeon, what is wrong with you?”

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