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The silence was equivalent to an agreement, and as if she saw the light, Dayoung quickly let go of Jiyeon. She finally understood just a little bit where the misunderstandings and discord between Hyunjung and Jiyeon came from.

Kim Hyunjung's attitude towards Juyeon is the same as how a maternal mother would act towards her child so she should already know that Juyeon is her child.

Dayoung used to be a student of Jiyeon's aunt. After Jiyeon became an actor, she became Jiyeon's agent through this connection. She has a good relationship with her teacher, they were like a mother-daughter pair, and so she was intimately involved with Jiyeon's family and has seen the photos.

Except for Jiyeon's maternal grandparents, she knew everyone else in Kim Jiyeon's family. From what she knows, there were some complications with the maternal grandparents’ side of the family and her teacher never talked much about them. As for Jiyeon, the woman was even more tight-lipped than her teacher and never mentioned her grandparents at all. Even now she refused to answer Dayoung's question.

From what Dayoung does know, Jiyeon always despised even the mention of cheating or having an affair, but she never told Dayoung why she despised it so much.

If she doesn’t know, then Chu Sojung probably doesn’t know and Kim Hyunjung most definitely doesn’t know.

Following this line of reasoning, if the person who made Jiyeon despise the word ‘cheating’ so much was either her grandfather or grandmother and if one of them had foreign blood in them, then everything made sense. Hyunjung, who didn’t know a thing, once she saw Juyeon, might have asked Jiyeon this touchy question. Oh, but according to their current relationship…it probably was more like an interrogation.


She believed she had finally connected all the dots and Dayoung then said helplessly, “Who would suspect you? Having mixed blood is not a big deal, so why did you try so hard to hide it? If you told me you were mixed-race earlier, I could’ve slapped that label on your profile early on, and then we wouldn’t have had to spend so much on marketing! Great, what a waste of an advantage! We just let such a great opportunity slip out of our hands.”

Jiyeon did not speak.

That person who carried foreign blood in them was a piece of garbage she never wanted to even talk about in this lifetime. Whenever she thought about that person, she couldn’t help but feel nauseous with disgust and even a little scared. This was a psychological shadow left over from her childhood and has hung over her like a dark cloud for most of her life. She wouldn’t be able to get away from it even if she wanted to.

She didn’t even dare to mention anything related to that person, so Jiyeon could understand why her older self did not tell anyone about her mixed blood. For Juyeon to have inherited that person’s genes…..this was an unavoidable twist of fate.

Jiyeon understood that it was normal for someone to suspect her of cheating and having a child out of wedlock when they looked at Juyeon. She couldn’t blame them. Her anger that shot out like a rocket earlier towards Dayoung has long dissipated. One could regard this as a psychological disorder. When she heard others suggest that she had cheated, she couldn’t help but grow angry. However, just after a few minutes, she was able to reflect and calm down. She also understood that it wasn’t right for her to get angry.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have gotten angry with you.”

Dayoung was silent. It was just like last time. She had run over to Jiyeon to apologize, yet Jiyeon apologized to her first and even apologized in a very sincere manner. Just what is wrong with this woman?

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