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Sojung raised her eyebrows, "What do you mean 'also know her'? You only know Xuanyi because of me."

"What do you mean?"

During her sophomore year in college, Xuanyi was acting in several films and one of the film's settings was Sojung's school. The film borrowed one of the laboratories on campus and as a staff member of the school, Sojung was assigned to escort the crew. She followed the crew out of duty, but also to see the excitement.

Coincidentally, Jiyeon visited the school that day to play with Sojung. While Jiyeon waited outside for her to finish her work, she went to the bathroom. When she was washing her hands at the sink, she just happened to run into the famous Xuanyi. However, unlike other celebrities, she wasn't standoffish or arrogant. So when she saw a student in the bathroom, she stared for only a moment before extending a friendly smile.

Xuanyi is a little older than her and is a mature, smart, and charming woman. Even straight girls can't help but be deeply attracted at the very sight of her.

Sojung smiled in a teasing manner as she remembered Hyunjung's attitude towards Xuanyi, "When you're acting with Xuanyi, better tell your crew to open up the windows, otherwise....the set will smell with vinegar."

Jiyeon couldn't understand the meaning behind those words, but Sojung didn't bother explaining.


The next day, in the early light of dawn, Juyeon pulled her suitcase roller behind her.

Her tiny suitcase was smaller than an adult-sized backpack. She could only fit about two sets of clothing in it, but she happily opened the suitcase intending to put her entire bedroom in it.

She grabbed her little white bunnies, the little frogs, oh, the cute bird too! She stuffed a bunch of useless things in her suitcase until it was bursting and couldn't be closed anymore.

Jiyeon sat on her small bed and watched her rummage with her things until the little girl finally gave up and cast a pitiful gaze at her. She shook her head and walked over, taking out all the items that were put in haphazardly, and reorganizing them to fit perfectly in the case.

"When you arrive, make sure to listen to your Grandma, alright?"

"I know."

"No matter where you go, make sure to follow your Grandma and never, ever, act alone. If I hear anything about you not listening to the adults or that you went out by yourself, I will ask Grandma to send you back home immediately."

Juyeon fiddled with a little toy in her hands, "Mhm, mhm, I got it."

"Also, even if you are going on vacation, you must play in moderation. You must go to bed before nine o'clock and don't eat too much. You can only drink one cold beverage a day, and you are not allowed to eat sweets after six, and...ah, forget it. You won't understand most of what I'm saying. I'll just tell the nanny to watch over you."

After they finished packing things up, Jiyeon lifted the suitcase to test its weight. At roughly 5-6 pounds, it was acceptable and the little girl should have no problem pulling it. She set the suitcase back onto the ground and squatted in front of the child to ask, "I heard that Grandpa is also coming along. Didn't he say he wasn't going before? Do you know why he changed his mind?"

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