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Jiyeon felt somewhat skeptical as she found the contact for the person named Im Dayoung, who called her and told her about her amnesia. Her reaction was the same as Sojung's: “Are you kidding me? How can a perfectly fine person suddenly lose their memory?”

She had to repeatedly assure the other party she was not lying before Dayoung finally believed her. She called Jiyeon to meet her at a restaurant so they can talk more privately. Dayoung arrived early when Jiyeon walked in. She looked around for a long time before realizing that Dayoung was sitting at a table right next to her.

Dayoung stood up in shock, “My goodness, you’ve got amnesia. How could you have even forgotten about me?”

Jiyeon looked at the strange woman who talked to her in an overly familiar manner and tentatively replied, “Im Dayoung?”

She stared at Jiyeon for a long time before saying, “Go inside, we’ll talk more in there.”

The two of them entered a private room and Jiyeon sat down in a reserved manner before giving Dayoung a general overview of her current situation.

She had forgotten ten years’ worth of memory and didn’t know what caused it either. What to do?

And she had to lose it, especially during this critical moment when neither her divorce nor comeback has fully started yet. This timing was a little too horrible!

Feeling upset, Dayoung wanted to smoke. She took out a slender cigarette from her bag and lit it before taking two puffs and exhaling a faint fog. She narrowed her eyes and said, “Hyunjung hasn’t found out yet, right?”

Why was it that every one of them was so afraid of Kim Hyunjung finding out?

Although Dayoung looked delicate and young, her words were full of experience and wisdom. “Do you even know what divorce means? In your eyes, does divorce only mean printing a certificate?”

When Jiyeon said nothing, Dayoung crossed her legs and sighed softly, “I can’t blame you either. Your memory and experiences have regressed by ten years. It’s already good enough that you haven’t been kidnapped and sold off.”

Jiyeon: “….”

Was that a compliment? Why does she feel so indignant then = =

“Let me give you some common sense. Listen, the first thing one does during a divorce is to determine custody rights. You’ve lost your memory, which means that you are in poor health. Without a healthy body, how can you raise your child? Therefore, if your condition is exposed, the child will automatically go to Hyunjung. Second, divorce means you must divide up the properties and assets. If I remember correctly, the only assets you had ten years ago were some saved-up birthday and New Year’s money. Do you know how much in assets you have now?”

Jiyeon blinked and shook her head.

Dayoung had an expression that said ‘this old lady already knew your character was like this’ and continued, “From what I know, there are at least five different real estate properties under your name. Then there is a plot of land in the western suburbs, another plot in Gyeonggi, and two more in Thailand and France. Then add on all the antique calligraphy, paintings, gold and silver jewelry that are marketed for at least 300 million, your stocks, your father’s patents, and your mother’s copyrights. In the end, I can’t even give you an accurate estimate as to how much they are all worth, but I’m going to guess around 3-4 billion. In addition, there are at least 200 million in savings and deposits which you either earned or inherited.”

Jiyeon stammered, “I’m so rich!!”

Although she knew that actors earned a lot, it should be impossible to earn this much! In only ten years, she became a rich woman with a net worth in the billions!

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