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Ever since Jiyeon left her home yesterday, Sojung had a bad premonition in her heart. Sure enough, that premonition has come true as Kim Hyunjung herself has come knocking on her door.

She sat upright with a stiff back as she tried to think of a way out. To sum it up in one sentence, what she had to do was deny everything and take it to the grave. She must protect Jiyeon.

She believed that Hyunjung had sniffed out a clue that something was wrong and came to her to interrogate her about it. This woman was probably trying to find someone to blame too. However, she had thought too much as Hyunjung just wanted to know what happened to Jiyeon at Sojung's house yesterday.

Nevertheless, after hearing Hyunjung's question, her heart which was finally calming down jumped into her throat again.

What should she say?!

Of course, she couldn’t say the truth, but even if she wanted to lie, she couldn’t. In the past, she never had a good experience with lying as she was discovered right away every time. Therefore, she chose to stay silent.

Although she has always been good at everything, what she was most bad at was lying. Jiyeon once commented on her lying skills as “so bad that it would destroy the heavens and anger the gods” and “it’s impossible to find someone worse at lying than you.”


Maybe this is the so-called “complementary effect” between friends and that’s why Jiyeon's acting skills were so good = =

Hyunjung saw that the other party did not want to answer her and even looked like they were in a daydream. She raised her eyebrows and asked again. This time, Sojung finally answered her.

She stayed silent for another second before making a show of strength despite wanting to cry on the inside and glaring at her, “You should know what’s wrong with her yourself!”

After saying this one sentence, she didn’t give Hyunjung the time to react before she opened the car door behind her and walked out. Her high heels clacked loudly against the ground, a clear indication of how angry the owner was and Hyunjung watched her leave with a baffled expression. The agent who was standing to the side earlier heard the movements and quickly returned to the car.

“Was the conversation a bust?”

“….I’m not quite sure either.” Sojung had run away before she could even start making any threats or promises.

Sojung returned to the company at a breakneck speed and when she entered the building, she ran past the floor-to-ceiling windows to a place where a wall blocks the view from the outside. Only then did she let out a sigh of relief.

So close, at least she was able to fool the other person.

Not long after Hyunjung's agent came back, her manager also returned. She held a big bag of ice cream cones in her hand and then placed them in the mini-fridge in the back. She then sat down in the passenger seat, “Boss, why did the Section Chief leave so soon?”

Hyunjung was still mulling over the meaning behind Sojung's words so she didn’t notice her manager was talking to her. When the person opened her mouth again, the agent hurriedly stopped her and gestured for her to be quiet before mouthing silently to her, “The conversation broke down–”

Hyunjung was too lazy to bother with them and decided to ignore them instead. She shifted her posture and twisted her neck slightly. Just when she was about to ask her agent if there was anything she had to do today and if she could go home if there wasn’t any, her phone suddenly rang.

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