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“At least this is a better plan than what you thought of before. I mean, seriously, what were you thinking? Fight for a divorce lawsuit and then use every means possible to get full custody of the child. If that wasn’t enough, you’ll then use every legal loophole possible to forcibly seize all of Jiyeon's financial assets and properties. Even you must admit that your previous plan was way too sinister.”

The ‘plan’ that Soobin mentioned is the one Hyunjung had told her about before Jiyeon lost her memory. They were at a bar, half-drunk and half-conscious, and even now, Soobin was not quite sure if she was serious or not, but the desperation, despair, and panic in Hyunjung's eyes back then could not be faked.

Naturally, she realized just how cruel and despicable she is. She closed her eyes, “I didn’t have any other choice.”

Indeed, unless one was driven into a corner or at the end of their rope, who would do such a cruel thing to the person they love the most? Soobin sighed, “Anyway, I’ve said what I needed to say. You can figure out the rest. Do as you see fit.”

As her friend left, Hyunjung looked out the window at the brightly lit hotel above her. The bright neon lights hanging outside the hotel flashed different colors every other second as they lit up the dark sky. She leaned her head against the back of her chair, her feather-like eyelashes fluttering downwards as she looked at her phone. Under the colorful lights of the hotel, she sent a voice message to Jiyeon.

The cast and crew were both exhausted from the day’s activities. By the time Jiyeon returned to her room, the other actors had already left. So she also got ready for bed, turning off most of the room’s lights save for the lamp beside her bed.

She took a quick shower and changed into a pair of silk pajamas. She then eagerly jumped onto the comfortable bed, stretching her body before closing her eyes and preparing to go to sleep. Then her phone vibrated.

She opened her eyes quickly and turned over to grab her phone. She turned on the screen to find that Hyunjung had sent her a voice message.

Hyunjung never sends her voice messages and even her messages were always concise and to the point. Curiously, she clicked on the voice message and held the phone close to her ear.

Her voice sounded a bit low, with her unique tinge of coldness to it, but to Jiyeon's ears, there also seemed to be an illusion of gentleness and concern in her voice.

Good night, Jiyeon ah.”

Just three simple words, yet it was enough to make her face flush red.

So gentle and nice-sounding….

Too many things have happened to her recently that she had forgotten that Hyunjung was her idol! But this one little voice message from her helped remind her why she idolized Hyunjung in the first place.

Yup, that’s right, she became a fan because of this fairy-like voice!

She has completely forgotten how she used to constantly gush over her beautiful face to Chu Sojung = =

After giggling in her bed for a long time, she remembered she hasn’t replied yet so she sternly pressed the microphone button and replied,

“Good night and sweet dreams.”

Inside the speeding car, Hyunjung smiled at the reply she received. Then to borrow her words, she hopes that tonight Jiyeon will arrive in her dreams and bestow upon her a peaceful sleep.

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