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Soobin was no stranger to Sojung's reaction. She quickly opened the door and chased after her. Then with one of her thin arms, she moved forward and grabbed her who was about to walk down the steps.

Soobin quickly walked down two steps and then looked back to see someone standing near the window looking curiously at them, “Follow me to the treehouse.”
Sojung didn’t want to follow, but when she turned around she also saw the curious gazes directed their way. In the end, she could only obediently follow for fear that the others might discover the “love affair” between Soobin and her.

They enter the treehouse that was built on top of a large tree with a spiral-knotted wood ladder beside it. Sojung followed her up the ladder and into the treehouse. A child may stand in the treehouse and feel that there is a lot of space, but two adults would feel that the space was cramped as they only needed to reach upwards with their hands and they could touch the ceiling. If they were any taller, they would have to enter with their waist bent to fit inside.

Such a cramped environment made Sojung even more alert than she already was. She shuffled uncomfortably and then turned around to leave, “I have something to do, so I will be leaving first.”

This time Soobin did not stop her and instead leaned against the door of the treehouse, her right hand behind and just touching the doorknob. She smiled lightly, “Why do you always avoid  me?”

Sojung stayed silent and turned her head away, refusing to look at Soobin. Whenever she was faced with a question beyond her abilities she would pretend to be a turtle and shrink into her shell

= =

Soobin bent one leg slightly and shifted her center of gravity backward as she watched Sojung calmly, “The one who was slept with was me, the one who was left behind without even a goodbye was me, the one who was ghosted and treated like the air was still me. So why is it whenever you see me, you’re like a mouse who has seen the cat? Am I that scary?”

Ah, please change the analogy. She is not a mouse meeting a cat, but a chicken meeting a weasel. A cat simply kills the mouse, but the weasel steals the chicken and eats it afterward!


Sojung's face was so red that it was almost the color of an apple. In front of Soobin, she did want to lose her pride so she turned her head to face her and rebutted with an indignant expression, “Don’t just talk about yourself, did I not also suffer some losses!”

Yes, it’s true that she pounced on her first….but didn’t she counterattack later? And… she also counterattacked at least two rounds! 

Sojung was so embarrassed by this matter that she didn’t dare to even tell Jiyeon about this incident. In the version she had told her friend, she had only told that she had pounced on Soobin and slept with her. The rest of the matter was glossed over in just one sentence. Even now Jiyeon doesn’t know that she was the one who was tormented the most. At least in the end, she was still strong and stubborn enough to get up and sneak away.

Soobin suddenly laughed.

When Sojung saw that smile, it made her scalp tingle. It was this smile, that damn seductive smile that pulled on one’s heartstrings, that had made her at that time, who had drunk too much, act on her impulses and jump on her.

Soobin got out of the doorway and took two steps forward as she slightly raised her head, a dark light glittering in her charming eyes, “What losses did you suffer?”

Sojung pressed her lips tightly together. How could she say these things out loud? If she could, that would be even stranger!

The smile on Soobin's face grew deeper and deeper, “Say it, tell me. I’ll let you pay ‘an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’, alright?”

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