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Chu Sojung also didn’t know much since for about five or six years of the last ten years, the two of them didn’t even live in the same country. Kim Jiyeon had traveled around the world while she stayed in the nation’s capital and rarely went out except for a few business trips. Although the contact between the two of them had not been broken, they were physically far away from each other so it was inevitable for their contact to decrease as time went on. If Jiyeon didn’t actively tell her, then she would be none the wiser as to what her friend has been up to.

Therefore, she decided to start with what she already knew.

“On Youth Day of May the 4th, we went to the Hyatt Hotel together but ended up not seeing Kim Hyunjung at all. I don’t know what went wrong, but the last star to perform was another singer instead of her. At the time, the hotel was full of Kim Hyunjung's fans and they started up a ruckus with the event organizers. And let me tell you when obsessed and crazy fans get riled up, it’s extremely terrifying. I almost thought I was going to die there.”

Even recalling that day made Chu Sojung break out into a fearful expression. From that day onwards, she refused to become involved with the creatures called ‘fangirls’ and developed a hatred for crowded places. Even now, if there are too many people in a room, her heart starts beating like crazy and she gets painful heart palpitations as well.

Imaging the scene described by Sojung in her mind, Jiyeon had a feeling that she would be one of those incensed and angry fans =_=

“But…what does all this have to do with me and my problem?”

“Just listen to me,” Sojung kicked off her slippers and sat cross-legged on the sofa like Jiyeon. She peeled an orange for herself, “Kim Hyunjung's staff heard the ruckus and they feared that this incident would become a big deal that would affect her reputation, so they brought her assistant over to comfort the fans and give out some complimentary gifts. At the time, I couldn’t stand it any longer and pulled you out of the hotel. Then as a result….”

Sojung paused for a while with a regretful expression on her face as she patted her thigh with a sigh, “I would’ve not dragged you out of there if I had known what would happen next. It would’ve been better to have stayed in that crowd and received those useless gifts. But who would’ve known that the infamous Kim Hyunjung would be standing at the back door of the hotel? As it turns out, she was there all along!”

If she appeared in person, the fans would’ve become crazier and might accidentally hurt her in the process. So the agent had asked her to wait outside and stand in the shade next to the company’s car. She had on a large hat, sunglasses, and a big baseball jacket to disguise herself but Jiyeon still recognized her in the end.

According to the rumors, Hyunjung was always polite yet distant with her fans. It was said that she always had an expression on her face that made one feel that she was 1000 miles away, forever out of reach. However, on that day, Sojung realized that those rumors were completely untrue.

The warm smile she had shown to Jiyeon at that time made Sojung, who hated Hyunjung with every bone in her body, unable to forget it for the last ten years. If that smile had such an effect on Sojung, then there is no need to mention what that smile meant to Jiyeon who regarded the woman as her idol.

When Jiyeon saw Hyunjung, she ran over excitedly while Sojung stood far away. She didn’t know what her friend said to Hyunjung but she saw everything that happened next. Hyunjung appeared to have been stunned for about two seconds and then a gentle expression appeared on the star’s face before she said a few words to Jiyeon. Before the star left, she gave the two pieces of chocolate that she had saved to replenish her energy to Jiyeon instead.

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