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In the photo, Sunbin is holding a makeup brush in her left hand, and her right hand is tightly wrapped around Jiyeon's neck. Their faces were practically touching. Sunbin was making a wacky expression while smiling and Jiyeon looked slightly surprised. When the shutter pressed, the corners of Jiyeon's mouth remained slightly raised. So from the perspective of this photo, people would assume she was in a good mood.

Meanwhile, Hyunjung blankly read the energetic discussion in the comments section.

Her assistant who was sitting next to her and was sorting out some things for her also saw the hot search list and seeing that Hyunjung's face was not very good, she quickly tried to lighten the mood, "Didn't Jiyeon say she was going to shoot an internet web show today? She was able to meet Lee Sunbin. I can see that her luck at bumping into celebrities is pretty good. In high school she was able to bump into you, in college it was Wu Xuanyi, and I heard that when she went overseas she bumped into the actor for Iron Man. Now I can see her luck has grown even more powerful. The moment she runs outside she bumps into the scene of Lee Kwangsoo cheating on his wife, and then bumped into her wife Lee Sunbin later. You tell me, just what kind of luck is this?"

The assistant's pitch continued to rise and she sounded quite envious. Hyunjung looked up and glanced at her lightly, "Do you want this kind of luck too?"

"....I do not." she immediately shook her head. Her desire to survive was too strong to say yes.

Hyunjung stopped torturing her poor assistant and turned her gaze back to her phone as she stared at the selfie for a long time. She comforted herself silently in her heart. What is this, this is nothing! There are hundreds of photos of her and Jiyeon being even more intimate than this. Of course, she's not jealous.

Yup, not jealous at all.

Just that this photo burns the eyes and she suddenly has a strong desire to hire a hacker to hack into Sunbin's account.

Meanwhile, Lee Sunbin, who had no idea that her Twitter barely survived entering the gates of hell, was recording the show with Jiyeon and Eunwoo.

All three of them are professional actors....well, two of them are and the third one is trying hard to pretend to be one.

However, Jiyeon noticed that in front of the camera, she was very comfortable and not nervous at all. She would talk naturally and never stumble over her words. When the host asked her questions, she made eye contact without breaking it and when answering the questions, she looked at the camera and spoke from her heart. Even if there were dozens of people moving around behind the camera, she still performed perfectly.

She thought that the reason why she was not nervous was because of all those orchestral competitions she competed in year-round where she had to perform in front of large crowds. The reason she was not nervous was that this was her body's muscle memory. Her body has long grown used to standing in front of the camera.

The director did not lie, he indeed only asked questions about their debut and nothing else. However, there were subtle pitfalls and traps in each question so that if you didn't pay attention, you might say something that will easily be misunderstood by audiences who don't know any better.

Before the show, Jiyeon had already watched the movies Dayoung had given her. After watching it, she was very pleased.

She learned that she is such a good actress.

After the show was over, everyone said their goodbyes because they had other work lined up. In the dressing room, only Sunbin and Jiyeon were left. After they had finished tidying up and were making their way out of the door, Sunbin suddenly turned around.

"I have watched both of your movies before. Do you want to know what type of impression you left on me?"

She smiled mischievously, "A very beautiful and irresistibly tempting person."

Jiyeon's eyes widened slightly, but Sunbin turned around without waiting for her answer. Every step she took was full of self-confidence and that confident aura of hers reminded Jiyeon of a supermodel on a runway.

She stood there frozen for a while and then turned her head and asked Yeonjung, "What did she mean by that?"

Yeonjung: "...." Perhaps, maybe, possibly, she wants to fall in love again?

However, it never occurred to Jiyeon that Sunbin might be interested in her... = =

She arrived home before 7 and was greeted by Juyeon who was picked up by Auntie Li, the housekeeper, earlier. The child was now being picked up every day by the bodyguard or the housekeeper and sometimes even picked up by Hyunjung's assistant.

After putting Juyeon to sleep, Jiyeon sat beside her on the bed and looked at her child for a long time. It was such a hard thing to imagine that this big of a child was born from her body. There were no traces of pregnancy left on her body, and she didn't know how it felt to be pregnant. She had no idea what it felt like to have a baby at all.

But she knows she must have worried a lot. Even now, when looking at Juyeon, she always felt a sense of worry even though she had no idea what she was worried about.

Her heart felt conflicted and at the same time also full. While watching her daughter sleep, she suddenly smiled. She didn't know that the smile on her face right now was so tender and so gentle.

She stayed in her child's room for a few minutes before suddenly having her thoughts interrupted by an unfamiliar voice downstairs. Jiyeon turned her head and listened to the strange sound. She then went out and stood at the top of the stairs as she looked down.

Auntie Li had already come out to greet the person and accepted the things in the woman's hand while saying repeatedly, "Why are you here now? If you had told me earlier, I would have picked you up and saved you the trouble!"

The woman opposite her was over fifty years old. She was dressed like a noblewoman and she smiled as she said, "Just felt like coming on a whim. I wanted to see my granddaughter. I just called Jiyeon earlier but perhaps she doesn't have her phone with her because she didn't pick up. Where is she? Has she not come back yet?"

Jiyeon froze and then hurriedly returned to her room. There were three missed calls on her phone and the name of the contact was---Mom.

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