Service Before Self

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Chapter Forty-Four: Service Before Self


Gardos Air Base, Erusea.
September 29th, 2019.


The days had gone by at a painfully slow pace, the pilots of the LRSSG finding it only somewhat easier to go about everything without the anxiety of their missing comrades weighing them down among their losses. Tensions were still high in spite of this, everyone on guard and ready to spring to action at a moment's notice if they needed to. That came with the territory, but that didn't make it any easier.

Although everyone was still struggling, a little over a week had gone by since Fencer and Lanza were brought back. Naomi had kept tabs on their recovery, as had the others, and while the doctors were extremely reluctant to clear them for any sort of duty they eventually agreed under the circumstances at Long Caster and Beckett's requests with the conditions that they were only deployed if absolutely necessary, closely monitored, and reported for examinations daily. While they were both ready to be free from all of the poking and prodding, they agreed to the terms.

The following morning, Naomi was called to Beckett's office along with Count and Fencer, which she'd been expecting after what Long Caster had said. The three of them arrived in tow, standing rigidly at attention the moment they stepped through the door before Beckett motioned to the chairs lined neatly against the wall. "At ease, you three. Pull up those chairs and have a seat, please."

Fencer looked almost relieved, likely still fatigued despite his insistence for days that he was feeling much better physically. It couldn't be easy to be on his feet for long periods of time but he was so restless that he probably was willing to do whatever it took. The three of them did as they were told, Count reaching the wall first and pulling two chairs towards Naomi and Fencer for them before he pulled one out for himself.

After they took their seats things were quiet for a moment. Both Beckett and Long Caster were present, Long Caster choosing to remain standing where he was behind the desk, near the window, while Beckett sat going over some papers. Naomi knew there was no reason they were here to be reprimanded, but that didn't stop her from watching them nervously and wringing her hands together as she sat with her posture straight as a board. The others seemed to be in the same boat, with Fencer quietly drumming his fingers on his knees and Count bouncing his leg. Long Caster looked them over, almost looking amused which helped ease some of Naomi's anxieties but not by much.

At last, Beckett set down what he'd been reading over and leaned back in his seat with a sigh. "As I'm sure all three of you are aware, we need to eventually move forward with our operations if we ever want to make it out of this mess. Unfortunately, we're all over the place right now so in order to do that we need to do our best to reestablish our command structure."

"Wiseman handpicked and trained each and every one of you, but I'm sure I don't have to tell you that you three were among his star pupils." Long Caster stepped in and spoke at last, trying to keep his tone light but obviously this was a difficult step for all of them. "The three of you are the best candidates to follow in his footsteps."

Naomi had a feeling this was coming, but hearing it said out loud made her stomach twist in knots. She looked over at Count and Fencer, the two of them looking at her and then each other, looking just as stunned even though at least Count had been prepared for the same thing. Although she didn't doubt their abilities as pilots, far from it, it was still a lot to take in. And there was one question she couldn't help but ask, knowing they were all on the younger side, at least, compared to Wiseman.

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