The Sins Of The Father

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Chapter Twenty-One: Sins Of The Father


New Arrows Air Base, East Usea.
August 9th, 2019.


With McKinsey gone, the mood among Spare Squadron had improved significantly. At least as far as Pixy could tell. He hadn't seen Naomi around since the squadron was informed of their transfer and McKinsey's ultimate fate. He was giving her space until whatever mood she was in was over and done with. If she was ready to come around then she would come around. At least, that's what he told himself. Even Wiseman had agreed that she needed space. He didn't know much about their family, but he said that everyone from the 444th was a little on edge and stressed out and was still getting used to being out of that situation. It would be a while before any of them were completely adjusted. That explained why they'd all been keeping their distance from the LRSSG pilots and mingling with each other. Bandog was the only one who was starting to come around.

Having nothing going on and unable to convince Wiseman to give him something to do around base (he'd been told to relax for a little while every time he brought it up), Pixy was left to hang around base and watch everyone else work or stay in his room. He'd chosen to go for a walk that morning, then he went to lunch like everyone else, and now he was back on another walk. However, this time he was going to end it at his room. Maybe he could read a little or make a call back home to Osea. His wife was probably worrying. He'd told her that Naomi was going to be pardoned, but that was a few days before. She warned him that their daughter would probably be upset with him, and of course he expected the exact opposite. And of course he was wrong.

He'd only been back in his room for a few minutes, searching through his bag for his phone. The longer he looked, the more he realized that there were several people he promised to keep in touch with when he went to Usea. Cipher, his wife Emma, his daughter, his son, Kathryn and everyone else that knew Naomi back at Fort Grays. He was sure that Emma probably told Cipher and Samantha about how Naomi was doing, but Roland and everyone else would be in the dark about it. He knew that Knocker and Clown were especially concerned. Pixy, somewhat frustrated by how he hadn't packed more neatly, was trying to make a mental list about which order to call and who not to call. A soft knock at the door, however, shook him from his thoughts.

Glaring at his bag with a sigh, he was almost relieved by the interruption. He quickly crossed his room and opened the door, surprised by who he saw standing there. Naomi shifted nervously, looking up at him with a sad somewhat guilty look on her face. "Hi, Dad..." she greeted in a soft voice. Pixy didn't know what to say at first. The last time he saw her she just ignored him. Now she looked like she had when they'd been reunited in Osea shortly before her trial. The silence wasn't awkward, but he was glad when Naomi broke it again. "Umm...can I come in? I want to talk about, er...well, Belka I suppose. I mean, not specifically about Belka, but the fact that our entire family is Belkan. And that's probably a really weird way to put it..." She trailed off, fidgeting with her hands and looking around to avoid eye contact.

Pixy stepped aside without a word, trying to think about what he was supposed to say to her. Naomi slowly stepped inside and Pixy closed the door behind him. She took a good look around the room, her back turned to him, and Pixy knew that she was just taking in her surroundings to gather her own thoughts. But Pixy figured out what to say first. Well, not exactly figured out, but he got a way to start the discussion. "Um, Naomi, look. We had good reason to hide all of this from you. It's not fun living in a world where everyone, even other Belkans, are out to get you just because of your blood. At least, it's not fun knowing you live in a world like that. We wanted you to have a normal life."

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