Forward Thinking

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Chapter Fifty-Six: Forward Thinking


Tyler Island, Spring Sea.
October 25th, 2019.


Naomi woke up on the floor, her back and neck not nearly as sore as she had expected after spending the night on the stiff, hard industrial carpet instead of in her cot. At some point in the night, she had pulled her sleeping bag and pillow down to the floor for her and Count to use, not that it made for the best sleeping arrangement. But they'd both made do with it. She could vaguely recall having told Count he could leave if he wanted later into the night, when she'd woken up to turn out the light, but considering the fact he was still laying on the floor beside her she guessed he wanted her company as much as she wanted his.

As uncomfortable as the floor was, Naomi became more aware of her surroundings as she started to wake up more. And that meant she was aware of one of Count's arms just slung across her waist, as though he hadn't wanted to cross any more lines by wrapping it around her to pull her closer to him. She then wondered if he had even done it consciously or not. With her back pressed to his chest and stomach, Naomi found that she didn't want to get up. Just five more minutes of sleep would have been enough, so long as she didn't have to worry about anything just yet. Like how there was still a war going on.

Although she knew she wouldn't be able to fall back asleep, Naomi still wanted to rest for just a bit longer. Count was still breathing steadily beside her, still quiet. If he was awake he made no indication of it. Unfortunately for her, as soon as she closed her eyes and settled into his embrace again there was an abrupt knock at the door. She flinched at the sound, instinctively bracing herself for some kind of siren or explosion outside to tell her there was an emergency, but it was still quiet. The knocking as well as Naomi's reaction caused Count to startle awake, likely expecting the same thing she was, and he quickly pulled his arm away from her.

The knock came again and Count sat up with a sigh, throwing the sleeping bag off of him. His voice still sounded a bit scratchy and deeper from sleep as he spoke, lightly nudging her shoulder as he did. "Trig? Are you awake yet?"

"Yeah. I am." Naomi let out a sigh of her own, grunting as she sat up and then got to her feet. Count followed, throwing her pillow back onto the cot and then working to roll her sleeping bag up as she headed for where her boots were sitting at the foot of the cot. They were the only thing she needed to be ready for the day, both her and Count having slept in their flight suits. As she sat on the edge of her cot to pull them on, she managed to raise her voice enough that the person on the other side of the door could hear her. "Come in."

The door opened all the way as Tabloid stepped in, revealing a surprisingly busy hallway given how dead everything sounded outside. Whatever he had intended to say he clearly forgot as he noticed Count standing in the middle of Naomi's room, narrowing his eyes as he gave both of them a surprised look. He was quick to wipe it off his face, trying not to seem suspicious or awkward. "Oh. Good morning," he said, crossing his arms and glancing at Count. "Is this where you disappeared to all night?"

"Uh, yeah. And I was a perfect gentleman, so just keep your head out of the gutter, alright?" Count said, snatching up his own boots and slipping them on. The tone of voice and the look he gave Tabloid was almost one of warning, like he wasn't in the mood to be lectured or teased in any way. He looked almost embarrassed, though, and Naomi had to admit she felt a bit embarrassed too even though neither of them had any reason to.

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