Thank You

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Thank You

And finally, Three Strikes comes to a close.

Which means it's time for my monologue!

After a little over four years (three if you don't count the one year I was AWOL), I have completed one of the longest writing projects I've ever had for one of my favorite game series. Today (3/18/2023 as I'm writing this...) is a very special day. First of all it's my birthday, but more importantly (my priorities are definitely straight) it marks the four year anniversary of me actually getting my hands on the game. I started the fic in February of 2019, but I was going off of playthroughs on YouTube before I had the chance to actually play it for myself a month later, and I was already so excited to see a new Ace Combat game and actually being able to play it for myself was even more incredible return.

When I started writing this it was really just something I started for fun. The characters and story were always what drew me into the Ace Combat series and they've been very dear to me for years. In fact, if my very poor memory serves me correctly it was actually what got me into fanfic in the first place! Ace Combat 7 rekindled that love I had for the series (I replayed the Holy Trinity in preparation just before its release) and I had so many ideas nagging at I started writing this. And I posted it with absolutely zero expectations and instead I was met by an overwhelming amount of support that still completely blows my mind.

I've gotten so much support from so many people. Currently it's one of the most reviewed fics in the fandom on , and its views right now are pushing 200k (it's at 195k right now). I've met wonderful people that I consider good friends through this fanfic. There were times I wanted to completely trash this thing or got so frustrated with it I hated it, but all the support really kept me going and I'm so, so grateful for it.

First and foremost, I want to give a shoutout to my friend UltraBooster. I met him after he messaged me about skin mods he made based on Naomi's planes, specifically her Eagle, and I was so giddy about it. It was so cool to see! And then he went on to become one of my closest friends and supporters and sounding boards and has honestly done so much to help me keep my sanity in one piece while writing this (love ya, buddy). Thanks for letting me ramble to you. Also, go check out his mods and give him some support, his skins are awesome.

On , I also want to thank Skylinneas, who left consistent and lengthy reviews that I came to always look forward to! He's someone else I would consider a friend and an awesome guy (and an awesome writer, go give some love to his fics if you're interested). Lord Jaric who made a TVTropes page for the fic and has been a consistent reader and supporter of the fic, I appreciate it so much (and you and everyone else that has edited the page)! ViperLass, who left a very thoughtful review that has stuck with me for a long time. Then there are countless other users that left me regular reviews that I appreciate so much! Even the smallest bit of support has helped tons.

On AO3, instant_noodle, who has left me so many sweet and lovely comments. Thank you for joining me in the Count brainrot, I've needed more allies for so long. cosmicflowers, who took the time to read through and comment on every chapter I posted and was so kind and supportive. Reading through all of your comments made me so happy! ShadeOps21, SamuraiVegitoBlue, KaffeeCup, and Stayfly as well for leaving me thoughtful commentary. All of you were so very kind and helped keep me going. I've loved reading through your comments, and I go back to them often. They always brought a smile to my face and I'm very grateful!

Then, to all my readers on Wattpad. So many of you left a ton of thoughtful comments on every chapter, sometimes multiple comments per chapter, and even messaged me and helped give me an extra boost that day! I know I had a hard time keeping up with them, but just know that I loved reading every single one.

A thank you to some people that may or may not ever read this. Without my brother getting me into the series about a decade or so ago with Ace Combat 6 and without him telling me to 'go for it' when I was talking about the ideas I had I likely wouldn't have ever written this fic, let alone posted it. Then to the rest of my supportive family and friends that had absolutely no idea what I was losing my mind about but loved to hear me talk about it anyways. If y'all happen to be reading this someday...hi.

As a given, a thank you to Project Aces for making these games in the first place and causing me to fall in love with Strangereal (that's pretty cheesy, I know).

Lastly, a thank you to absolutely everyone that has followed, faved, bookmarked, given kudos, commented, and silently read over the last four years. I never imagined I'd ever finish this, sometimes I didn't want to, but all of you helped make it so worth it in the end. Thank you for reading, from the bottom of my heart.

I'm definitely not done with Ace Combat. I'm not even totally done with Three Strikes yet. I've got a ton of other ideas for the other games, and I want to see what I can do with the mountain of headcanons and ideas floating around my head. I've even got ideas for side stories that connect to the setting, even some fluffier post-war stuff that may or may not ever see the light of day. And of course, for Three Strikes I need to give the early chapters a nice overhaul, but that'll happen little by little. In the meantime, I'll be taking a break and then getting back to work on my Ace Combat 5 fic and some other stuff.

This story has been a constant in my life for so long and has grown alongside me in a way and ending it is very bittersweet, but I think it was all worth it in the end.

Anyways, it's getting late and this has gotten very long, so it's time to bring this to a close!

Thank you so much. Thank you for sticking with this story to the end.
I'll see y'all around.


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