Last Hope

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Chapter Forty-Five: Last Hope


Anchorhead Bay, Erusea.
October 1st, 2019.


City lights broke through the darkness in the distance as Strider Squadron made their approach from the northwest. The main highway leading into the city was deserted, save for a single vehicle that was most likely carrying the general they were here to escort. Though the city looked bright and warm at a glance, plumes of smoke from explosions and the spray of gunfire from AA guns in every which way quickly proved it was once again a warzone.

Naomi wasn't sure how to feel flying into this, only able to make out guilt mixed with a rush of adrenaline in anticipation for a fight. They had been lucky to avoid interference en route, having left in the early evening, which meant she wasn't yet sure how this plane was going to handle in a dogfight. It was armed to the teeth, though, no doubt about that; pulse lasers equipped under the wing, with a limited supply of bombs stored in the main internal weapons bay. Whatever she might need it to do, it seemed more than capable of.

"Take a look at that," Count said as the clouds began to thin and their view of the city became clearer. "Nice party they have waiting for us."

His deadpan sarcasm did little to lighten the mood, earning a somber sigh from Jaeger instead. "Not one I wanted an invitation to. We'll just have to keep reminding ourselves what's at stake here."

"Guess we just grit our teeth and get through it somehow," Húxiān said, a clear lack of energy in her tone of voice. "Things are lookin' worse than I expected."

"What did I say about leaving the worrying to me?" Naomi asked, trying her hardest to sound uplifting and hide her own nerves. Their confidence from the previous day was fading fast, and that was the last thing she wanted. "There's nothing down there we haven't faced before."

"Trigger makes a good point. No use in letting nerves get the better of you. Things may be uncertain down there, but that's what you have us watching over you for," Long Caster said, having been quiet for a good portion of their flight. "That being said, apologies for interrupting, Strider Squadron, but do you have eyes on our VIP?"

Before anyone could answer, a new voice came over the radio. The voice of a man, speaking quickly and to the point though there was the slightest hint of wariness in his voice. "To the unidentified Osean craft, this is Captain Karl of the Osean Army," he said, identifying himself before continuing. "Are you here for the escort? You're not the squadron I was expecting. Are you really friendlies? Over."

"Ah, perfect timing. This is Long Caster, Airborne Warning and Control System for the Osean Long Range Strategic Strike Group," Long Caster answered. "Captain Karl, you can rest easy, they're on our side."

"Good, good...then those two pilots we've heard about must be here too," Captain Karl said, sounding almost relieved. Though it wasn't easy to tell if he was referring to Naomi and Count or Naomi and Wiseman.

By now they were almost right on top of the city, about to enter into the chaos waiting for them. They'd be in the enemy's range before long, Naomi's radar already picking up the blips. Not having much time, she quickly worked up a plan. "Jaeger, Húxiān, you two stay as close to the car as you can and handle stragglers. Count, stay on my wing, we'll ID and knock out what we can. Everyone just stay focused and we're golden."

"Righto, Trig," Count said, flying in closer to her aircraft's wing as Jaeger and Húxiān broke the formation to lower their altitude. There wasn't any hesitation in his voice. "I just hope you're right."

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