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Chapter Thirty-Seven: Persistence


Cape Rainy Air Base, Erusea.
September 17th, 2019.


"Well, I'd say you're all ready to go," Colonel Hawkins said as he walked around to the back of the transport plane. Bandog and Mead had been up early, helping the small group of soldiers that would be accompanying them load up the plane. Equipment, food supplies, and personal effects all lugged out and onto the plane. The only thing they hadn't loaded up was Sarge and Bandog was trying to postpone that as long as he could. Right now, Húxiān, Trigger, and the rest of the LRSSG were entertaining Sarge while Mead and Bandog finished up. Hawkins had come down to make sure everything was going alright. He gave a tired sigh as he came to a stop in front of them, glancing towards the others. "All that's left now is to say your goodbyes. The marines are ready to leave whenever you are."

Bandog and Mead exchanged a look, neither one of them too happy about the whole plan in the first place. It was too late to back out now, and it wasn't like they had many other choices. Between sitting around and being useless while Mead did all the work or going on patrols with Sarge and actually doing some good, Bandog liked the second option a lot better than the first. Besides, Sarge was a working dog and it wasn't fair to her to stay around and be treated like a pet or something. As much as everyone else seemed to like that, Bandog wasn't big on her doing nothing more than keeping up morale. At least he and Mead wouldn't have to be stuck with each other for too long.

"That shouldn't be too long," Bandog said at last, with one final glance at Mead. She was keeping quiet, which was a nice alternative to her doing nothing more than bitching at him. Won't be long before that starts up, he thought bitterly. It was a long flight from here to Tyler Island, and it was fairly out of the way for them. At least Cyclops and Strider would have a faster route from Farbanti. He looked over his shoulder when he heard Sarge bark, fast enough to catch a glimpse of Húxiān and Trigger laughing at the dog's antics before he looked back at Hawkins. "I can't speak for Mead, but I'll be ready to go within the hour, sir. I'm just trying to give Sarge a good workout before she has to be cooped up in that kennel."

Hawkins gave a nod and an understanding smile. "Of course. By all means, take your time. I don't think anybody would mind." The colonel looked down at his watch and let out a tired huff before he spoke again. "Unfortunately, I won't be able to see you off. I've got a video meeting in a few minutes so we can make the final preparations on our next mission. Rest assured, you won't be on your own for too long. Have a safe trip, alright?"

"Thank you, sir," Bandog said, not sure of how else to respond. Colonel Hawkins had been more than a little standoffish, which Bandog simply chalked up to the extra workload he'd been given. He and Mead both said goodbye to Hawkins and watched him walk off before turning around to head over to their friends. Bandog quickly took note of Mead's scowl as they started walking. She almost never smiled, except for Tabloid and maybe Trigger and Count, but the scowl was more prominent than it usually was. He could already guess that she had something negative to say in reply, but he may as well ask her out of...friendly curiosity. If you could call it that. "And what are you pissed off about now?"

Mead shot him a disapproving look, crossing her arms as she limped alongside him. She didn't answer at first, looking as though she were debating telling him or not, but she finally spoke up. "The base commander's weird and the company commander is annoying. And aside from Count, I think I'm the only one that doesn't kiss their asses 24/7," she said at last, actually mildly cringing when she brought up Count. "I'm not exactly thrilled to be agreeing with that asshole on something, either, but it is what it is."

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