Trial By Fire

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Chapter Seven: Trial By Fire


Oured, Osea.
June 15th, 2019.


Naomi wasn't entirely sure what she thought about her new 'friends'. On one hand, she'd admired the Razgriz's flying ability when she learned about the Circum-Pacific War in school and they'd watched a documentary on it. Osea wasted no time in updating the history books after the war, so high school had actually interesting things to learn about, in her opinion. However, they seemed so used to secrecy, likely due to them being forced the build their lives around a lie to protect themselves, and it made Naomi question them and their whereabouts while they were off trying to help her.

After just a few days, she started seeing less of Kathryn and Genette. Hans visited with her father just to keep her mind off of her upcoming trial and what would likely be the verdict. According to the attorney they'd provided her with, they were likely looking at a dishonorable discharge and a life sentence. No surprise there, but the other option was even more unpleasant. A possible death penalty was also placed on the table. After that, her father typically told her stories of his own time during war, with Hans telling a story or two as well, just to get her to worry about something else besides possibly dying for something she didn't do.

Clown and Knocker still came by as well, not sparing her from the bad news. They told it all like it was, with some reassurance thrown in. Clown was helping Genette and Kathryn track down some people to get a couple of alternatives, but he wasn't saying what it was. Her trial was starting in a day, and they'd give them at least three days to prove her innocence or give a reason as to why she shouldn't be discharged. Usually, a general court-martial would have taken much longer, but they were at war and were determined to get it over and done with so they could move on with their lives and get on with more pressing matters.

Overall, her time in this temporary prison wasn't too bad. There were only a few other female prisoners there, and they were all in on minor infractions, so Naomi spent her nights in a cell by herself. At breakfast time, the women and men were separated at tables and they would eat their food in silence. Naomi never got included on the conversation, and any attempt to join was met by them simply ignoring her, so she gave up trying to make friends on the second day she was there. After lunch they were allowed an hour of exercise in the yard or gym with time to show after and then visitation hours started and ran until 1700. The guards were friendlier than she expected and a lot of the other prisoners only refused to associate with her because they thought she was a murderer.

The highlight of her day was actually visitation, even if it did involve a bit more stress than she'd have liked. Though spending some time with a punching bag in the gym wasn't too bad, either. They gave her a surprising amount of freedom. Sure, a guard was watching them at all times, paying extra close attention to anything Naomi did, but they didn't treat her badly and nobody tried to rough her up or get fresh with her. It probably had something to do with the fact that she stayed on her best behavior. She didn't think she had a rebellious streak and she wasn't starting one now that her life and career was hanging by a thread.

As visitation began, she was taken out of the gym by the guards and taken downstairs for visitation. Since Clown and Knocker and Hans and her dad had been taking turns visiting each day, she was expecting her commanding officers when she was cuffed to one of the tables and left to wait, but she was surprised when Kathryn and Genette entered the room. She narrowed her eyes, then leaned back in her seat to get as comfortable as she could. "I figured the two of you would still be on your wild goose chase," Naomi said as they sat down at the table, right across from her. "No offense, I don't exactly have a lot of faith this will work."

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