Faceless Soldiers

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Chapter Sixteen: Faceless Soldiers


444th Air Base, Zapland
July 27th, 2019.


Although McKinsey gave them several days to rest following the success of their last mission, it didn't feel like it was that long. Their days had been short and boring, nothing eventful happening between them. Naomi was eager to get back into the air, but no one else seemed to share her enthusiasm. Not in the slightest. Her treatment from the other prisoners had improved slightly, though. She'd been helping Avril out in the hangars and Tabloid joined in, treating her a little better. He still seemed cautious and awkward around her, though. Full Band had done some more snooping with Bandog, but their AWACS finally put his foot down and told him that they were laying low for the next few days, so Full Band was left moping in his cell after that. As for Count, he'd been making progress with his radio, but hadn't spoken to Naomi after their confrontation.

All in all, Naomi considered it a decent week. Not something she'd want to repeat, since she was growing bored with the routine they'd all gotten into. Wake up, eat, find something to do that was either work related or just a way to pass time, clean yourself up, eat again, go to bed, and repeat. The squadron was due for some excitement and another mission. Osea seemed to be recognizing them as a somewhat valuable unit, at least that was what Naomi figured. It explained all of their recent operations, carrying out missions that really were just to test the waters for the regular forces. They were still shunned and treated like they were worthless, but they had something going for them. A part of her wondered if Osea even knew any of their names at this point or if they cared. Did their families know their fate? Would anyone know their fate or remember their names in the end? Who knows...

Naomi shook her head to get rid of the thought, bringing her attention back to real life. All morning, since before the others were up, Avril and Naomi had been working on her plane in the hangar. Bandog told them that McKinsey had a new operation and they'd be briefed and sent out early in the morning, so Avril arranged for them to get up early and do some last minute improvements to Naomi's F-2. They'd had their work cut out for them after the squadron's fight in a sandstorm, so they hadn't had time to do much work other than cleaning them out and making sure that they'd fly without crashing next time they took them up. It had been hard work, and now Avril was attempting to complete several days of work in the little time she had left. But the Scrap Queen could work miracles. That's what everyone said and Naomi had no reason to believe otherwise.

At last, Avril pulled off the gloves she was wearing and wiped some some grease from her face. "That should do it," she said, patting the side of the plane. Naomi, who was sitting in the cockpit to make sure there wasn't anything in there that needed maintenance, looked down at her with a curious expression. Avril ducked under the wing and walked around the aircraft to give it a quick assessment. Satisfied, she placed her hands on her hips and looked up at Naomi. "How's the cockpit looking? Your canopy is a lot nicer now that it's been washed off, let me tell you that."

"Everything's A-okay up here," Naomi replied, giving her a thumbs up without looking up from the different switches and buttons. She couldn't help but smile a little bit, finally looking away from the controls and down at Avril. "I'm touched by all the attention my plane's been receiving lately. Hell, so long as we don't fly through anymore sandstorms, this thing'll probably hold up for the next few operations without needing too many repairs after."

Avril rolled her eyes with a smirk. "Yeah, I wouldn't feel too special. Tabloid's plane has a little extra work put into it, too," she replied, glancing over her shoulder at Tabloid's Mirage. "Both of your planes were rickety as well, but I've done some tweaking to help improve stability and mobility. As usual. So you can keep pulling your dumbass maneuvers with little to no trouble." There was a pause as Avril took another look at the plane from where she stood, as if she was admiring her hard work. Huffing, she turned around and began to limp away to fetch something, warning Naomi, "And Trigger? If it doesn't hold up, then I'm going to hold you personally responsible and you can fix it yourself next time."

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