Domino Effect

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Chapter Thirty: Domino Effect


New Arrows Air Base, East Usea.
September 10th, 2019.


"Did you get any sleep at all last night, Trigger?"

Naomi sat up and looked over at Count as she heard the question, staring at him for a moment to process what he'd said. Apparently she wasn't as good at hiding how tired she was around everyone else. She sat in the briefing room with everyone else, waiting for Clemens to finish speaking with Wiseman and Long Caster. Her father stood nearby, studying the map on the screen. Everyone else was discussing the Alicorn and whether the new operation had anything to do with it, which was — unsurprisingly — a common subject within the last few days. Naomi was sick of talking about it, but since there were several theories and ongoing discussions involving it (whenever Clemens couldn't stop them, anyways), there wasn't any way that she could really avoid the topic. The ship had already managed to worm its way into her dreams, and now every time she closed her eyes she couldn't imagine anything other than what it was like to be at the bottom of the sea on that thing or how doomed they'd be if they got shot down by it.

For a moment, she just sat there looking at Count with wide eyes, trying to find the best way to respond. She didn't want to admit that any sleep she managed to get was restless. At the most she was only getting a few hours a night. If she admitted that, they'd all think that she wasn't fit to fly, but she was perfectly capable of flying and giving orders. All she needed was some coffee to give her a boost. The only problem was that she was waiting for the two cups she'd had at breakfast to finally kick in. Which meant that her mind wasn't working as fast as she would have liked at that moment. Count seemed to be waiting for her to answer, and since no one else was paying attention, then maybe she could at least try and answer him. "I...well, what makes you ask that?"

"You look terrible. Like, 'your first fight with Mr. X' terrible," Count said bluntly, but there seemed to be some concern there. Not that he would admit that he was concerned about anyone, least of all her. Nevertheless, he went on, his tone a little softer. He looked a bit more awkward and uncomfortable than usual. "Seriously, is there something bothering you? You've been kind these last few days. Not to mention, you've been living off of coffee ever since. All signs kind of point to a lack of sleep."

Naomi was a bit bothered that he'd figured it out, frowning and looking away. "It's not like it's a big deal. Since when did you get so nosy, anyways?" She glanced at him, expecting a response. The only reaction she got was an annoyed huff and he looked away from her. Feeling bad for getting a little snappy with him, she sighed and turned to face him. He was back to scowling, but he seemed curious as she readied herself to answer him. "This whole Alicorn thing just has me worried, that's all. And whatever the deal is with Clemens. So...I haven't been getting the best sleep ever. Once we make it to Farbanti and things slow down then I'll be able to catch a break and rest properly. We just have to get the Alicorn out of the way, right?"

Count chuckled. "You make it sound easier than it actually is. We're probably going to have to fight that thing before long. I mean, depending on whether its defenses are crippled, then it probably wouldn't be too hard, but...y'know. Gotta be realistic."

"That doesn't sound like you," Naomi said with a smirk. "Usually you're cocky enough to think you can do anything, regardless of the odds."

"Now that sounds more like you than me." Count mirrored her own expression, if not more smug looking than she was as he made eye contact. "After all, you're the one that thinks she can fly through tunnels all the time, not me."

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