All Hope Abandon

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Chapter Forty-Nine: All Hope Abandon


Tyler Island, Spring Sea.
October 10th, 2019.


Clouds surrounded the island as Strider and Cyclops Squadron made their approach, moving to lower their altitude at Naomi's lead so they could get a clear visual. Things seemed quiet at first, until the radar picked up several blips along their path. As soon as they were within range, before they could announce their arrival to any allies in the area, the Osean radio channel was filled with several overlapping conversations cutting through the static.

The first one they could clearly hear quickly helped paint the picture of what they were walking into. In the background, underneath the static and conversation, was the distinct sound of gunfire. "This is Tango 2-3, we're being pursued by multiple tanks and APCs!"

"They'll all go down if we don't pull back the landing craft," another voice, likely a member of one of the crews of the ships now appearing on their HUDs. "We're risking our crew by sticking around here waiting! Can you not see the enemy out there?"

"And what? We're supposed to just abandon Tango 2-3 and run with our tail between our legs?!" another voice demanded, frustrated and appalled. "If our positions were swapped you'd want to know someone was waiting to help you!"

"Something's not right..." Húxiān muttered, voicing everyone's thoughts. "Trigger, what do you make of this?"

"I have no clue what we just walked in on, but keep your heads on a swivel," Naomi said, slowing her approach and keeping a good distance between herself and the sea as she leveled out underneath the cloud cover. "Golem and Mage, you got that?"

"We're reading you loud and clear. We should be within sight of the air base shortly," Knocker replied to her, his own flight at the opposite end of the island. They probably had a couple of hundred miles off by now, but they'd arrive before long.

A new voice, another of the Osean ship crews no doubt, seemed to have quickly made a decision regarding the fate of the ground unit they were apparently supposed to be waiting for. "Tango 2-3, Wagtail, this is the Bunting. we don't have the firepower to assist you, I'm sorry. You're on your own."

"No, please! We need help!" a soldier from Tango 2-3 cried out, desperately, almost pleading. "We have wounded! We won't last much longer!"

"Shit, talk about bad timing...this is the Sunbird, we've got multiple bogeys inbound! All ships, prepare for anti-air combat!" another voice called out, warning the others, ignoring the ground troop's pleas to help them. Clearly their own survival was of more concern to them. Clearing his throat, he was quick to radio them on an open channel. "This is the OFS Sunbird! Identify yourself or we will open fire!"

"What the hell is this chaos?" Naomi muttered to herself, watching as sure enough Long Caster was able to confirm the ID of the ships before them. They were all promptly registered as allies on the IFF as soon as Strider Squadron was within proper range. Now able to see the shore of the island, there were more unknowns waiting for them and plumes of smoke for miles. One of the ships was already in flames. She tried to shake off the sight before her. "Everyone, ease up!"

"This is AWACS Long Caster of the Osean Long Range Strategic Strike Group to all Osean ships," Long Caster said, quickly responding to their demands for identification. He kept a level head, though surely he was just as confused and rattled as they were. "The aircrafts in your area entering the airspace from the north and south are our squadrons. Do you copy? They're with the LRSSG."

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