Rest Period

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Chapter Thirty-Four: Rest Period


New Arrows Air Base, Eastern Usea.
September 14th, 2019.


When the four squadrons along with Specter made it back to base, they unfortunately couldn't go straight to the mess hall like everyone had wanted to. Specter Squadron's crew had all been allowed to go, but everyone else was to report to HQ for a debriefing. As Naomi and Count led the way inside, they were immediately bombarded by their three friends that had stayed behind. Avril, to Naomi's surprise, playfully punched Count's arm and actually hugged Naomi. As Tabloid stepped into the room, standing between Naomi and Count, Avril let go of Naomi and gave Tabloid what had to have been a rib crushing embrace. He grunted and chuckled, but returned the hug without any protest.

The guys had a much less personal response, standing right in front of them and smiling. Tailor was smiling at least, patiently waiting to hear any stories that he could. Bandog on the other hand just stood there smirking with his arms crossed, briefly glancing down as Sarge took notice of their return and bolted past with her tail wagging in order to greet those that she knew. Sarge let out an excited bark and raced to Naomi first, then greeted Count and Tabloid, and quickly approached Húxiān after that. Everyone got a turn in petting Sarge, although she was a little suspicious and snappy with Golem and Mage's pilots. After a while she payed them all little to no regard and ran back to the other end of the room to get attention from Wiseman and Naomi's dad.

"I can't believe you morons actually managed to pull that off," Bandog said with a chuckle, sounding amused but also impressed at the same time. "From the way things sounded, I thought Count was gonna piss his pants when Trigger started acting stupid." He gave Count an almost condescending look, eyes lighting up and the smirk starting to look a bit more smug. Like he was getting back at him for something. "Now when did you start caring about other people, hmm, Count?"

"Oh, shut up, Bandog," Count grumbled, but he eventually laughed the comment off. Bandog scoffed, but he didn't push the subject.

"Things were looking pretty bad a couple of times," Avril put in as she stepped back from Tabloid, leaning her weight off of her bad leg as usual and placing a hand on her hips. She was actually smiling for a change, which was a rare but welcomed sight. "You dumbasses are real lucky. I just hope you didn't screw your planes up too bad, otherwise that luck of yours is about to run out."

Everyone glanced at one another with the comment, knowing that she wasn't making an idle threat. It was the third warning they'd gotten that day. Once before they left, then again during the operation, and now this. They hadn't taken too much damage, maybe taken a couple of hits from enemy machine guns, but other than that their fighters were basically in perfect condition. Still, she'd have to fix them once again and make sure they still flew properly and since Bandog was pretty much forced into the title of being a mechanic, Avril would basically be doing all the work on her own. But, Tabloid came to the rescue and spoke first, "Maybe a couple of scratches, but other than that, we're all fine."

Avril narrowed her eyes on him and pursed her lips briefly as though deciding whether or not she believed him, but something close to a look of relief flashed across her face. After a while she shook her head, rolled her eyes and let out a quiet laugh. "Whatever," she said at last and Tabloid grinned. Naomi glanced between the two of them, noticing what Tabloid had said and Avril's reaction to it. It confirmed the theory that Avril's coldness about their planes and apparent concern for her work was just a cover up. At least, that was what Naomi chose to believe.

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