Battle Of The Giants

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Chapter Thirty-Nine: Battle Of The Giants


Farbanti, Erusea.
September 19th, 2019.


It was late in the afternoon when the battle began, the city and sky painted gold as if for the occasion. The eight Eagles that made up Strider and Cyclops came in high over the surrounding hills, breaking through the clouds at full throttle. Below them, the clash for power had already begun on every front, from land to sea to sky, just like they were told. It was now or never, the operation — appropriately dubbed Operation Giant's Step — being the last desperate attempt from both sides to end the war. Even though it had only just begun, with so much at stake it was obvious that it was shaping up to be a very long and hard fight. Not that they had reason to suspect any less.

Several of their targets came within visual range, looking to be more Erusean squadrons flying in for support. The battle hadn't been going on long enough for them to have had a serious number of losses, which meant Erusea was already going all out. As the LRSSG made their approach, remaining in formation as the radio chatter from their allies started up, Naomi couldn't help but let out a small scoff. "Well, well, looks like they started the party without us. Long Caster?"

Their AWACS let out a light chuckle at her comment. "Looks that way to me, Strider 1. And it looks like Erusea brought more guests than we anticipated. Our troops have already engaged at Farbanti Reconstruction Park, Silver Bridge, and the Submerged Area. They've already been met by heavy resistance, so we need you to help our boys out any way you can in those three locations. The return line is to the north, so head that way if you need to refuel and resupply." He paused as they continued to draw closer to the enemy, then took a deep breath. "Alright, it's time. You're clear to engage, commence the operation. Our friends are counting on you. Stay safe, everyone...and good luck out there."

Wiseman picked up speed and the rest of Cyclops followed, their squadron taking the lead. He let out a light laugh. "Lately, as your company commander, I've felt some of you young bucks comin' after my championship belt," he said to all of them, his voice a perfect mix of amused and cocky. "With the past few operations, you've really started putting the pressure on me. So I think I'm gonna go out there and run up the score a little bit, just to show you guys how it's really done."

"Heh, that's weird," Count replied in a teasing tone, remaining in his place in the formation on Wiseman's wing. "It sounds to me like you're challenging us to a competition, Wiseman."

"I trust I can count on all of you to keep up, right?" Wiseman answered in the same tone of voice, earning a snort from Count and stifled laughs from the others. Their leader chuckled. "Ha! Alright, y'all, let's get out there, take care of business, and come back in one piece!"

"Roger that! Strider Squadron, engaging!" Naomi called out, throttling up while her wingmen followed. There were several targets, mostly together in groups, all tangled with other Osean squadrons, and it looked like Osean forces were outnumbered. It would take some catching up, but hopefully the LRSSG could change the tide of battle and make it a fair fight. Naomi led Strider Squadron for the first group she saw; two squadrons, one made up of MiG-29s and another of Gripens.

While Cyclops Squadron broke off and made a move on a squadron of Su-47s that were giving their allies a hard time, Naomi and the rest of Strider simply flew head on at their opponents. The Erusean squadron was spread out, but chose to meet them in the same fashion. They closed in on one another fast, a spray of gunfire flying past Naomi's canopy. She easily evaded, hearing the solid, steady tone that told her she had a lock. Her own radar alerts told her the enemy fired a missile already. Naomi fired as fast as she could, rolling to the side as soon as she did and narrowly avoided getting her right wing clipped off.

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