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Chapter Twenty: Confrontation


New Arrows Air Base, East Usea.
August 6th, 2019.


Bandog sat in Major Wiseman's office with a worried look on his face, carefully observing his surroundings. Wiseman seemed very dedicated to those under his command, with framed pictures on his desk and walls of all of them after operations. Each time with a different group. But each one had a date written in the corner as well as a title written on it. One in particular caught Bandog's eye. It was Major Wiseman, Lieutenant Jaeger, a pilot Bandog didn't know, and then Lieutenant Hirose. It looked as if they'd just returned from a sortie. The four pilots were still in their flight gear, just outside the hangar, looking proud of themselves even if slightly tired. They were all so close looking in the photo, resembling a family more than a squadron. A very strange family that didn't look at all related to one another, but a family nonetheless.

However, before he could read the title or the date, the door to the office swung open. He instinctively jumped, but relaxed as the major and another man entered the office. Bandog recognized the second man. They'd sort of met earlier that morning. He was Trigger's father, the guy who'd caused quite a stir at Zapland when they found out the relation he had to Trigger. Bandog wondered if he should start calling her Lieutenant Foulke or Naomi, since that was her real name as Full Band has so kindly revealed to him. But, it just didn't feel right to him. He straightened up, giving the two men his full attention as he nodded respectfully. "Major, Lieutenant," he greeted. "Good to see you again."

The older men exchanged an amused look, with Foulke having a more tired look about him. It was Foulke that replied, looking back to Bandog. "Respectful. I like that," he said. "However, it's former Lieutenant if anything. To save yourself the trouble, it's probably best to skip formalities with me. I was never one for them anyways." Bandog nodded. Of course he wasn't. After all, he used to be a mercenary. It surprised Bandog that he wasn't eager to be called by the rank he was given, simply because it gave him authority and guaranteed a degree of respect. Nevertheless, Bandog would respect that. Foulke smiled at him and gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder.

Wiseman cleared his throat and both of them gave the major their full attention. "Now that we've got that out of the way," he said as he dropped a stack of files on his desk. "I'm here to...well, think of this as a bit of a debriefing. Please, take a seat." The dark skinned man gestured to the two chairs in front of his desk. Bandog and Foulke both hesitated before they took a seat just as they were told. Wiseman looked them over before he continued. "The information both of you provided us should be enough to deal with McKinsey. Our base commander made a phone call to the General Staff Office about an hour ago and they want to bring him in for an inquiry. Chances are, he'll be sent out to the front lines where things are hottest shortly after being stripped of his rank."

Bandog narrowed his eyes at this. So McKinsey would finally know what it was like to be treated like nothing more than a pawn. An unwilling sacrifice. Bandog didn't voice his darker thoughts on it, instead simply scoffing. "So, the great commander gets a taste of his own medicine, then?" he asked, even though he could already guess the answer. Wiseman nodded and Bandog held back a somewhat bitter smile. Good, he added silently to himself with a nod. He shifted in his seat to get more comfortable before asking, "And what about Spare Squadron and myself? What happens to us?"

"Well, that's entirely up to you," Wiseman replied, glancing at Foulke. "I've spoken with the others. They were a little reluctant at first but have agreed with the transfer here. I mean, I could have just not given them a choice, but it's a team effort around here and I need everybody to willingly work together. We'll be working with the Spare pilots to refine their training and go over their strengths, and Miss Mead has agreed to work alongside our mechanics. So really that just leaves you, Mr. Guard Dog. You're welcome to stay here. I'm sure we could find somewhere for you to work based on your skills." He shuffled the files until he got the one he wanted, opening it up and skimming it. With a smile he looked back up at Bandog. "Airman Joshua offense, I think Bandog sounds a little cooler."

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