The Sky's Still Blue

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Chapter Sixty-Six: The Sky's Still Blue


Selatapura, Usea.
November 1st, 2019.


"Strider 1 has returned to radar!"

Naomi felt herself gasp for a breath as she could finally breathe without straining, all of her senses returning to her full force as her body finally adjusted. It took her a moment to register Long Caster's voice and her surroundings, and she realized she was still climbing up into the blue sky overhead. As a series of cheers and laughter rang out she couldn't help but let out a giddy, relieved laugh of her own.

"Yeah! Woohoo!" several of the Osean and Erusean pilots cheered over one another.

"They did it!" Tailor gleefully cried out.

Clown jumped in as well, not that she would have expected otherwise. "That's our Trigger!"

"She's a damn hero! Haha!" Knocker proudly said, sounding like he was wearing a mile-wide grin while he spoke.

"No doubt, she's better than me," Jaeger said with a chuckle of his own.

"Wait, where's Strider 2?" Húxiān asked, probably more concerned than Naomi had ever heard her. "Dammit, does anyone have eyes on Count?" She paused, then carefully pressed, "Trigger?"

Naomi opened her mouth, finally finding her voice, and even though it was a longshot she radioed him, "Count, can you hear me?"

There was a pause, then Count's voice came over the radio. Naomi felt a flood of relief as soon as she heard him, even more so when he casually said, "Wish y'all could have seen that. Not too shabby a landing if I do say so myself."

"Wha – landing?" Húxiān echoed through a breathy, relieved laugh.

"You damn fool!" Tabloid butted in before Count could answer, and Naomi could picture the grin on his face perfectly. He sounded playful as he questioned his wingman. "What's your position, you asshole?"

"I'm watching Trigger climb...God, this is beautiful," he said with a sigh. He chuckled. "I guess it's my fate to watch from down below, though, huh?"

"Yeah, well, we're all in the same boat there," Húxiān pointed out to him, and they almost made Naomi feel bad about leaving them down there. She didn't want to stop climbing just yet, though. She had too nice of a view.

"Yeah, well, I guess we are," Count pointed out. He took a breath, then called out to Naomi as he said, "See, I knew you could make it! How's the view up there, Trigger?"

"Why don't you get up here and see for yourself?" Naomi teased him through a smile, closing her eyes for just a moment and letting everything sink in. The sky was completely clear up here, fading into a dark blue. She'd probably be stalling out before long, but for now she just wanted to admire everything around her. A perfectly clear, peaceful sky. "Are you holding up down there alright?"

"Yup, though I don't think Avril's gonna be too happy with me," Count remarked with a short laugh. "But I'm still breathing."

"We'll send some help your way to get you out of there. Not gonna be much of a celebration if we're not going home with everyone, right?" Long Caster joined in, focusing on his job as well as their victory. "Give us your coordinates."

"Directly under the space elevator, elevation is minus 500 meters," Count replied quickly, and if he wanted to get out of there Naomi couldn't blame him for it. She wanted him back safe and sound as soon as possible.

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