Risk Factor

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Chapter Thirty-Two: Risk Factor


New Arrows Air Base, East Usea.
September 11th, 2019.


"Just so you know, your dad was entirely against this idea of yours," Wiseman said to Naomi as the two of them walked side by side down the hallway, Count and Bandog following close behind them with Sarge. She'd spoken with him after dinner last night, and convinced him to let her speak to Clemens. The original idea had been to bring Bandog along with Sarge, but Wiseman had insisted on going along and when Count found out he wanted to go as well. Count had been very insistent on going, and she noticed that since the operation he'd seemed to be trying to stay as close to her as possible. Or more than usual. Wiseman also seemed to notice this, but he hadn't said anything.

Naomi sighed at his comment, recalling the irritated look on her father's face when she'd brought it up with Wiseman. It seemed that it was his turn to be upset, but something about the look told her it was stemming from concern. She'd talk to him about that later, but for now she had someone else to confront. "I know he wasn't. But this is just something I wanted to do. He threatened my life and the life of my friends. They may be your men, but they were under my command when it happened," she replied and he looked at her, perhaps surprised. Naomi had been trying to show that he hadn't made a mistake ever since her stunt at Stonehenge, and she'd been avoiding calling Strider 'her' squadron whenever he was around. As much as she could anyways. "Wiseman, even if I don't speak to him, I at least want to hear what he has to say for himself."

"I don't see the reason for it, personally," Count chimed in, and both Wiseman and Naomi looked over their shoulders at him. He seemed annoyed, which made Naomi wonder why he wanted to go so badly. He could have stayed with the others, but he didn't. "Not anymore, anyways. I mean, it isn't like the guy's on trial or something. And besides, he's got the right to remain silent. He might be more tightlipped than everyone is assuming until he gets to Osea and he's going through a court-martial."

"He's a coward, Count," Bandog replied in his usual irritated tone. He chuckled suddenly, smirking as he remembered the debriefing and what had happened to Clemens. "He got beat up by two girls. Not exactly a mark of bravery."

"Oh please, like you'd be upset if Húxiān kicked your ass. Some guys like girls that can throw a punch," Count replied with a smirk of his own, earning a warning glare from Bandog. He shrugged it off. "What's to say Clemens' mind doesn't work the same way? I wouldn't exactly fault him for it." Count looked at Naomi after he said this with an expression that she couldn't figure out, but as quickly as it showed up it vanished again and she just took it as more of him going out of his way to annoy the others. It wasn't a big deal anyways.

Wiseman, on the other hand, seemed amused by it. He raised an eyebrow and looked between Count and Naomi before Count made a scoffing sound and Wiseman looked straight ahead again, stifling a laugh. "Interesting theory, Count, but I'm afraid Bandog seems to be right about this one," he said with a smile. "I mean, you saw that look on his face when Húxiān went for him. Then Trigger came after him...poor guy couldn't really catch a break, but he seemed frozen by fear to me."

"They've both got a good point, Count," Naomi added. "Seriously, what kind of a soldier backs down from a fight? Especially if he has a reason to defend himself? Kind of makes me disappointed that guys like him are the ones running our military. How'd they even earn their rank when they're constantly acting like that?"

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