Chapter 1- The beginning

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Third Person:

Everything was normal (not really) for everyone. The Kamado family, was happy. Their town was happy. Everything and everyone was normal.

Heh, was.

The Kamado family didn't have a lot of money. But they didn't mind. They were happy. Kie Kamado was the mother of the family. She had six kids. Her eldest, Tanjiro, sold coal in the village far down the mountain. But today was different for him. He got sick on his way back recently. Nezuko decided to take his place today since she was the second eldest. She got ready to go down the mountain, when her mother came up to her.

Kie: Nezuko.

Nezuko turns around and sees her mother step out.

Kie: Your face is all covered in soot. Let me clean you up.

Kie kneels in front of Nezuko and wipes her cheeks.

Kie: You know you really don't have to go. All this snow could be dangerous.

Nezuko: Since brother can't go, I have to fill in for him. And I want us to have a good new year's celebration where everyone can eat as much as they want. So I'll sell all the charcoal I can.

Kie sighs at her response.

Kie: How thoughtful.

Kie finishes wiping her face. The two hear a familiar voice right after.

?: Hey sis!

The twins Hanako and Shigeru run up to them.

Shigeru: You're going to town today?

Hanako: I'm coming with you!

Kie: No, you're not. You know you can't walk as fast as Nezuko can, sweetie.

Shigeru: Aw, come on, Mom!

Kie: No way. She's not going to be able to use the cart today, which means she can't give you a ride when you get tired.

They both groan sadly.

Shigeru: Nezuko!

Shigeru hugs Nezuko angrily.

Hanako: I wanna come with you. I promise I'll help out.

Nezuko: That's very generous of you, Hanako. But no. You're staying home today.

Hanako moans sadly.

Nezuko kneels down and pats Shigeru's shoulders.

Nezuko: Sorry, Shigeru. You are too. But I'll bring back goodies, okay?

Shigeru: Promise?

Nezuko: Yeah.

Shigeru chuckles happily.

Nezuko: And Hanako, I'll read for you when I get home later.

Hanako: Kay!

Nezuko: Good girl.

Kie: Thank you for doing this, Nezuko.

Nezuko: Of course. I should get going now.

Another one of Nezuko's siblings was there.

Nezuko: Hey, Takeo, do me a favor while I'm gone, okay? Chop as much wood as you can.

Takeo: Yeah, I was already gonna do that anyway. I just wanted to see if brother could join me. Hmph.

Nezuko walks up to him and strokes his head.

Nezuko: There there now.

Takeo: Knock it off, would you?!

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