Chapter 60- You're going down

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It's part 69


Third Person:

Gyutaro: Also there's one more reason why we're all cheerful now.

Tengen: And what's that?

Ume: The affects of my brother's blood should be kicking in any minute now. Soon you'll be down on your knees begging for mercy!

Gyutaro: Well I don't know about all that...

The demons were confused until they suddenly they all felt their heart beat louder.

Huh? What's going on?

Gyutaro: Whether you're an Uppermoon or not, no demon can hardly resist the blood from a marechi.

Unless you're that kid that just went wild.

Tengen: So you're a marechi. Well, that just gives us more of a want to kill you, in a flashy way of course!

Tenegn sprinted towards them. He striked with his sword and Gyutaro dodged. He strikes at them again but this time he manages to kick Ume's stomach sending her into the air.

Gyutaro: Don't you dare lay a hand on my little sister!

Ume: You scumbag!

Ume pulled more of the ball bombs out of her pocket. Tengen dodged them. Makio tried to strike one but it exploded in her face.

Well, those are unique explosions. They can inflict damage on a demon's body and detonate from the slightest friction. Since she slashed one without realizing that, they got hit. There's never a dull moment taking care of them, that's for sure.

Makio's body and her head fell to the floor. Gyutaro got one of his blades close to Tengen's neck. Since managed to dodge it and it only cut his neck a little.

Gyutaro got his swords back into a normal position.

Gyutaro: I missed my chance to finish him!

Makio screamed as she put her head back on her body.

Makio: He just beheaded me again! Damn you! Damn you! I'll make you pay for this! It's not fair... not fair! How come we're the one who's always getting beheaded?!

Ume: Because your arrogant and stupid.


Tengen: Hold on. You're onto us, aren't you?

Gyutaro: About what? Not that finding out how about your little trick will do any good, since you're going to die a slow an painful death anyway.

Tengen: As if you're not reaching death's door yourself.

Aoi: Are you sure about that? Or did you forget about me?! it is I, Lord Aoi, along with my trusty minion!

Kanao snores.

Tengen: Who the hell are these two idiots?

Nezuko jumped down from above and landed in front of Gyutaro.

Kakushi evacuated the citizens.

Ume: Why the hell are the three of you late?

Tengen: I've taught you well. Talk about a cool entrance. Keep it coming.

Ume: ...Nevermind.

Tengen: You can summon all the underlings you want, but unfortunately, your fate was sealed from the start. So look, you're going to die anyway, right? So drop the act and quit staring at me like that, will you?

There are four demons now. How did that happen? The demons that fused together aren't dead. Are they all Upper Six and somehow splintered off each other? If that is the case, then there is no doubt this guy is the main threat. His aura is different. It's far stronger. My hands won't stop shaking. Is it because I'm exhausted... Or is it that I'm afraid? It doesn't matter, because either way... No matter how strong they are...

Tengen: We'll win! 'Cause we're Demon Slayer Corps!

Makio: Yeah, right! Fat chance! Not when your only hope to win is being ravaged by being immobilized.

Nezuko: Immobilized?

(The Kunai)

Gyutaro: Does it look like I care, you idiots?! I'm at the top of my game when I get a little nerve damage in my system!

Suma: Drop the act, already!

Gyutaro: It's no act! You just underestimate humans! All three of these girls are my brilliant Tsuguko—

Ume: WHAT—

Gyutaro: They have relentless grit!

Aoi: yeah, we do!

Gyutaro: And they'll fight, even if their limbs fall off! Not to mention, I've already figured out how to bring you four down! And that's to behead all of you simultaneously! Am I right?

Ume: That's why you don't just absorb your weaker wives completely. Keeping your town separate makes you harder to kill.

Ume laughs.

Ume: This'll be easy-peasy!

Aoi: It's as simple as that, isn't it? Then we've already won, haven't we?

Tengen: You say that, but the demon slayers, who perished before you didn't find that task to be so simple. Not even the Hashira! 15 for me, and seven for each from my wives, that's how many we've devoured.

Makio: You heard him. Not a single one of those fools even live to see day break! After all, we always have the long nights on our side.

Makio stands up.

Makio: Your deaths are inevitable, so just die!

Makio sent a row a fire towards Gyutaro. Kanao jumped in and quickly cut through the fire, and pushed Makio up into the sky, through the ceiling.

Nezuko: Kanao!

Aoi: Leave that red ant to me and Mr. Sleepyhead! You two focus on taking down the other bugs!

Nezuko: Careful.

Aoi: Yeah, yeah!

Aoi jumps onto the roof. Hinatsuru jumps up to help Makio.

Tengen: I am not about to let you kill my wife.

Makio landed on the roof.

Makio: It's you, the little brat!

Kanao: there's some thing I need to tell you. Apologize to the girl who's air you pulled. Even if it really was your earnings that came to the house afloat and provided for everyone, it still doesn't make those girls do your belongings. You have no right to treat them like that.

Makio: Please don't bore me with your high-and-mighty lecturing. With unfortunate looks like yours, what makes you think that you can talk down to me, exactly? In this city, women on merchandise, the same as objects. They are bought, sold, and then discarded. Such is the right of an owner. Those without beauty don't even deserve a grain of rice. It only makes sense the wretches shouldn't be treated as humans.

Kanao: You shouldn't inflict the pain that was done to you onto others.

Insert a really cool speech that the bad 4 say here

Yeah I'm done with this chapter

I went rollerskating the other day

I fell and now I don't think I can have kids

I am a female

To be continued...

読んでくれてありがとう! 💜

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