Chapter 26- The pretend family

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Third Person:

Nezuko and Kaigaku's headless body fell. Tanjiro fell too since he burned the fur away.

Nezuko: Tanjiro! Tanjiro! I-I won! I won!

Father saved me! I'm not sure why I was able to unleash that attack with the kagura that's been in our family for generations. But that was what saved me! I was able to beat him.

Nezuko got up, but her vision was blurry due to her injuries.

I can't see Tanjiro. Is it because I was reckless with my breathing?

Nezuko held her chest in pain. She was on the ground again.

My whole body is throbbing with pain! I gotta... heal up fast! I'm still not done fighting! I gotta go help Aoi! Right away!

Nezuko realized that she could smell blood, but no ash.

The scent of blood is getting stronger. And I don't smell any ash. Does that mean...

Kaigaku's headless body walked up behind her. He used the fur to hold his head up.

Nezuko: Even though I took his head off?

Kaigaku: You thought you'd defeated me? Poor kid did your pathetic delusion bring you joy? I cut off my head myself with my own threads... before you could cut it off yourself. Enough. I'll kill both you and your brother. I haven't been this enraged in a long time.

Get up! Get up right now! Get your breathing under control! Hurry! Right now!

Kaigaku: But I wonder how you didn't get burned. Me and my threads were the only things that were set of blaze. I don't know if it's your brother's power, but thanks for getting me in raged. Now I can cover you up without regret.

As long as I breathe correctly, it won't matter how exhausted I am!

Kaigaku had a clump of fur in his hands. They glowed red in front of Kaigaku's face.

Kaigaku: Blood Demon Art... Murderous Eye Basket!

Slim strands of fur moved around Nezuko.

Don't let it disrupt your breathing! Calm down... if you can stay calm! I can't raise... my arm!

Nezuko's hand got cut up. Her haori did too.

Tsutako ran to the scene. She jumped up and cut the threads.

Somebody's here. Is it Kanao?

Tsutako landed on her feet.

Tsutako: You did a good job holding out until I got here. Leave the rest to me.

Nezuko gasped.

Kaigaku: You're like an endless stream... of lowlifes getting in my way! Blood Demon Art...

Red threads of fur surrounded Kaigaku's. The opening was in his hands

Kaigaku: Cutting Thread Rotation!

Tsutako: Total Concentration... Water Breathing... Eleventh Form... Dead Calm.

Nezuko; "Eleventh Form?!"

Kaigaku: Who cares about your Eleventh Form?

Kaigaku sent his attack at Tsutako. She wasn't affected. This made Kaigaku gasp.

What's going on? What did she do? The instant they got near her, the threads scattered. Not a single one reached him? The toughest threads of all got slashed?

Kaigaku: That cannot be! I'll try it again!

Tsutako walked up to Kaigaku who blinked. When Kaigaku opened his eyes, Tsutako beheaded him.

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