Chapter 49- Getting closer

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Third Person:

Nezuko was sewing a white cloth.

Hot pink: Sumiko, do you have a minute?

Nezuko: Sure!

Hot pink: Sorry to bother you, but we're short-staffed. Could you help carry these upstairs?

Nezuko: It'd be my pleasure. I'll take care of it, no problem.

Hot pink: Thank you, Sumiko. Nice to have a hard worker around. I apologize for removing your makeup yesterday. I feel like it's partially our fault that the House Madam found that scar of yours.

Man: I Relax, my dear! There's no use lashing out at this poor child!

Nezuko: I'm fine, just thankful that they're letting me work here.

Nezuko carried all the bags away.

Turquoise: My, my. That new girl is rather burly.

Hot pink: Indeed.

Two girls in orange kimonos closed a door.

Ora: They say the Kyogoku House's Madam died from falling out of a window.

Nge: That's awful. Let's be careful OK? And have you noticed some of the older girls running away, committing ashinuke?

Ora: That's scary.

Nezuko peeked in through the doorway.

Nezuko: What even is ashinuke?

Nge: That's a lot of baggage to carry.

Nezuko: There we go. I think they're all gifts for oiran Koinatsu.

Ora: You said you've never heard of ashinuke? It's probably a good thing you haven't. "Ashinuke" means to run away without paying off your debts.

Nge: And it's really bad if you get caught.

Nezuko: Why do they do that?

Ora: Some people try running away in order to be with the man they're in love with.

Nge: Right, like lady Ume did the other day.

Ume? That's Mr. Shabana's sister.

Nezuko: Listen...

Koinatsu: You two shouldn't be spreading rumors. After all, nobody knows her whereabouts now. Who knows what happened to her?

Orange: Fine.

Koinatsu: You bought these up by yourself? Thank you.

Nezuko: It's my pleasure.

Koinatsu: Come here.

Koinatsu put a bag in Nezuko's hands. Nezuko blushed a little.

Koinatsu: Take this candy as my thanks. Keep it secret, or you'll have to share it.

Ora: Hey, I want some candy.

Nge: Me too! Me too!

Koinatsu: Now, now. I gave you some earlier.

Nezuko: Uhm... Did Miss Ume really commit ashinuke?

Koinatsu: ... May I ask why you're so curious about that?

She has her guard up, but I've got to find a way around it and ask about Ume.

Nezuko: It's just...

Ora: Candy, please.

Nezuko: Miss Ume is— she's actually... Believe it or not... she's my... cousin.

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