Chapter 19- The bears in the mountains

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Third Person:

A girl with pale skin sat on a tree branch, swinging her feet. She was a demon.

Behind a different tree was a boy who was stuck in a bear trap. There were several of other slayers tied up too. A male demon peeked his head out from behind a tree.

A tall demon was standing on a cliff. It was looking down until it ran away.

A female demon was sitting on a rock directly under the moonlight.

They were the demons that the four had no idea they were going to fight.

Aoi and Nezuko were walking up the mountain until Aoi stopped.

Aoi: What's this?

Nezuko looked at Aoi's hands and saw fur on them.

Nezuko and Aoi looked around and saw fur everywhere.

Next to a tree was a black cub.

Nezuko: A baby bear?

Aoi: Jeez, this place is full of fur! They're in my way!

Aoi started aggressively swinging her hand as an attempt to get the fur off of it.

Nezuko: You're right. Aoi...

Aoi: What do you want?

Nezuko: Thanks. When you said that you'd come with me, I was glad.

Aoi stares at her in confusion.

Nezuko: That twisted and ominous feeling I was picking up from the mountain... I was a little scared. So thank you.

Aoi has a flashback to the conversation she had with the old man.

Oldie: These are pleasant to the touch and quite comfortable.

Oldie: Always live your lives with great pride. I wish you luck in battle

Aoi makes weird sounds of comfort.

Nezuko: Aoi...

Aoi snaps out of it and turns around. Both of the girls see a slayer walking around.

Nezuko: Let's go.

Nezuko and Aoi run up to the slayer. The slayer was a girl. She had long black hair pulled into a ponytail. She gasped and turned around to see Nezuko. They whisper to each other.

Nezuko: We've come to help. I'm Nezuko Kamado, Rank Mizunoto.

Slayer: Mizunoto... Mizunoto? Why didn't they send a Hashira? No matter how many Mizunoto they send, it won't help! It's pointless!

Suddenly Aoi punches the girl's face.

Nezuko: AOI!

Aoi: Shut up! As far as pointless goes, your existence itself has no point at all! Now tell us what's going on you weakling!

Slayer: Who the hell is this guy? I'm supposed to have seniority!

The slayer angrily stared at Aoi with her nose running.

Slayer: The crow have us the order! And ten of us Demon Slayers came here. Not long after we entered the mountain... some of the members...

In the girl's flashback a slayer takes out his sword and slashes another members body.

Slayer: They started killing eschew other! I... I...

A crow rests in a man's arm. They were in fear.

???: You did well to return. So, most of my children have been slaughtered? We night find the Twelve Kizuki there, then. It seems I'll have to send in the Hashira.

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