Chapter 43- Move Forward

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Third Person:

Gooey tentacles were appearing through the cracks in the train car. It quickly spread and got everywhere.

Nezuko: Aoi, this entire train has turned into a demon! There isn't anywhere on it that safe! So we have to protect the passengers! I repeat! This entire train is a demon!

Aoi gawked.

Aoi: What do you know? I was right all along! Talk about having absolute killer instincts as a leader, huh?

Aoi jumped back into the hole.

Aoi: Beast Breathing. Fifth Fang, Crazy Cutting!

Aoi cut all the tentacles.

Aoi: I'll be sure to save every last one of you! As, thanks, it's only fair you should fall onto one knee and worship me as your savior! Lord Aoi Kanzaki, I'm coming through!

Nezuko: I have to save the others. If Aoi's handling those cars, I should go on ahead.

The goop goes through the train Nezuko's standing on. It can even be seen from outside the car. Nezuko gets in from breaking into one of the windows. Nezuko gasps.

Nezuko: It's gotten this far already?

Water Breathing. First Form, Water Surface Slash!

Nezuko cuts two arms. More come from behind her however.

No good. This is never going to end. How do I fend it off?

Deep inside the train, Lower 1 was lying naked.

I feel you scurrying around inside me Like a loathsome parasite. Flail all you want, but I'll just keep regenerating. And then, once all of your energy is wasted, I'm going to enjoy dining on the passengers here like an exquisite banquet.

Tanjiro grew to normal size and got angry. He kicked and clawed at the tentacles. He keeps repeating this pattern, making sure none of the passengers get touched while grunting.

There was one that was about to grab a passenger. He tried to stop it but it wrapped itself around his arm. He tried to break it by using his other hand but a tentacle grabbed that one too. Soon both of his legs were grabbed. He was stuck

Suddenly he was freed. Kanao cut all of the tentacles on about 4 train cars. Tanjiro looked in awe.

Thunder Breathing. First Form... Thunderclap and Flash.

Kanao cut all the other tentacles too.


Kanao: Tanjiro... I will protect you.

Kanao became wobbly.

Kanao: Protect you. I...

Kanao fell asleep asleep. Tanjiro looked at her confused.

That sounded like thunder, Nezuko thinks. Did it come from back there? What's happening? It's Kanao awake now? What about Ayaki... and Tanjiro!

Nezuko cut more tentacles.

It's all I can do to protect the ones here. What should I do? We can't fight together. Are the passengers in the back all right? Shoot! There's no room to move here. It's hard to swing my sword.

Rui was walking through a car.

Rui: How could so much happen while I was sleeping? Such an ugly mess.
If the other Oshua were here... This would be embarrassing.

Rui activated his breathing style. He cut through many train cars.

Lower 1 gasped.

What happened?

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