Chapter 53- Realization

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Today is the last day of daily posting

Third Poison:

Gyutaro was running on a rooftop.

The battle's already begun. Where is it? Search for its presence.

Gyutaro sensed the demon's location. He then ran back to where he felt it.

It's here, underground.

Gyutaro felt the vibrations of some noise through the ground.

I can feel the sound of someone fighting. If I focus on the reverberations... then I can locate them.

Gyutaro pulled out his swords.

Gyutaro: Poison Breathing, First Form... Blood Bath!

Gyutaro slammed his swords onto the ground which caused a loud noise. Nezuko and the demon she was fighting could hear it from their location.

?: That racket is giving me a headache. What is all that noise? What is it you're up to? It sounds like it's coming from the Ogimoto House. Exactly how many of you are there? For perhaps?

Nezuko: Who knows?

?: Then, if you were to tell me the truth, I might be willing to spare your worthless life. We only clashed for may be an instant at most, but look at your sword. It's already chipped.

Nezuko looked at her blade and gasped. She was right. It was chipped.

?: The swordsmith who made it must've been a real amateur.

Nezuko: you are wrong! The person who watch this is amazing, and he's a brilliant, swordsmith!

?: Really? How did it get chipped then?

More noise was made.

?: Over there now too? Such an obnoxious racket. I'm going tired of it, so I'm putting an end to you now.

The blood suffers when its wielder is inadequate. It's my fault. Despite training, my hardest, I still... I still can't handle the water breathing techniques yet. The truth is my body is just not suited for it. If I keep using water breathing, I'll never be like Mr. Urokodaki, or Ms. Tomioka! For me, using Tsukigami Kagura to strike, my enemies, has always been more effective. I feel more in tune with it. And yet...

Kanao and Aoi were training together. Aoi held her sword up against Kanao's.

Kanao: Hey, moron, would it kill you to hold back a little?

Aoi: What's the point if you don't give it your all?

Nezuko: Tsukigami Kagura! Moon Dance! Pearl Flower—

Nezuko suddenly feels pain. She drops her sword and soon falls to her knees while holding her stomach.

Kanao: Nezuko!

Kanao and Aoi run to her.

Kanao: Hey, what happened? Are you OK?

Aoi: Hey, are you hungry?

Kanao: Shut up!

Aoi: Hah?!

Kanao: Idiot!

Because of a cheer force, I couldn't unleash multiple strikes.

Kanao: I'll go fetch Sir Douma!

Nezuko grips her sword tighter.

But it's different now. I should be able to do it! No, I can do it! That is what I've been training for. Don't go down into feet. Glow! Glow! Glow! Unravel your heart! Tsukigami and Kagura! Loathsome Moon, Chains!

Nezuko manages to cut through the demon's rays. The demon herself gaps.

Her swordsman ship style changed. It's sharper than before.

Nezuko breathes loud enough for the demon to hear her as she charges at her.

?: What is that sound she's emitting? It's unpleasant as hell. Is it her breathing?

Nezuko gets the sword close to the demon and attacks. The demon dodged.

Moon Dance! She dodged the first one, but this move is a two-hit strike!

That was underwhelming, but...

?: So typical.

The ray went through Nezuko's neck. But it turns out, that actually never hit her. The Nezuko she thought she hit was gone. The demon gasped.

She's gone?

Tsukigami Kagura. Moon Spirit Calamitous Eddy.

The demon gasps. Nezuko was above and behind her.

Now all I gotta do is cut her head! I can't do this!

Nezuko: Tsukigami Kagura! Perpetual Night, Lonely Moon- Incessant!

?: Far too slow. You're making me yawn.

Nezuko gasps. The demon smacks Nezuko's face with a ray.

I have to use the defensive falling technique.

Nezuko falls and then starts panting rapidly.

This is the drawback of using Tsukigami Kagura. All the built-up fatigue is causing my muscles to cramp.

?: Still alive over there?

Calm down. Get your breathing under control... and recover! Quickly! Recovery Breathing.

Nezuko recovers and deflects the attack the demon launched at her. She spins through the air and lands on the ground. As the demon throws more attacks at her, Nezuko uses her sword to push them all away from her.

The rays are no different from a powerful blade. My attacks are too slow. My body temperature. If I'm going to win, I need to raise my body temperature!

Kiyo: Are you sure? I think I should tell Sir Doma. Your body temperature still hasn't gone down yet.

Nezuko: Please don't. I'm begging you! Keep it between us. Really, I'm fine now. There's no use and telling him!

Kiyo: Yes, but still...

Nezuko: Look. I'm fine see? Never felt better. Just a little warm.

Kiyo: Being a little warm is OK, but look at this! It says 100°! It was the high yesterday and the day before too. That's not good. If you have a see, if they want to go down, tell me somethings wrong with your body, let it go. I'm not skilled enough to know what to do about something like this, but Sir Douma would.

Nezuko feels sad and terrible.

Nezuko: The thing is... When I have a fever, I'm actually at the top of my game. I can use multiple Tsukigami, Kagura strikes, and I might become even stronger with it. Please, Keio, can't you wait just a little longer before telling Sertoma? Just a little bit longer. I'm begging you.

Kiyo: Very well, then. But only just a little longer.

Nezuko pushed herself back away from the demon.

It's working. I can feel my body temperature rising. I can do this. I can take on an Upper Rank Demon!

She's a pesky one, more than I thought she'd be. How entertaining.

Focus! Tsukigami Kagura's effective against her... but it's not enough to just be effective. If I want to win, I'm gonna have to use every ounce of my power, and I have to win... to protect the innocent.. to protect my friends. Never again will I allow chaos like that to unfold. Never again will I let anyone suffer the way that we did. No one should have to bear that kind of grief.

Nezuko sprinted to the demon who let out the weirdest giggle ever.

?: The way you sweat like a pig is truly repulsive!

Nezuko looked at the demon yelled.

To be continued...

Thanks for reading! 🤍

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