Chapter 66- Someone's dream

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Third Person:

There was tray of food.

?: I've brought you some tea.

??: Right. Thank you.

The man was holding a baby in his arms.

?: Look how soundly she's sleeping. Sorry about this. Looks like my husband's fast asleep too. I really must apologize. Making our guest babysit like this.

The woman looked just like Nezuko when he was human. She wore a pink kimono too. The only difference between her and Nezuko was the scar on Nezuko's forehead. This lady didn't have one. She sat next to the man, taking back the baby too.

??: No need to apologize. He must be exhausted. It's a lot of hard work, going to work and raising a child.

The man picks up the tea.

??: I'll be leaving after I've had this. It wouldn't be right to keep eating for free here.

?: Don't say that! You saved our lives! If it hadn't been for you, not only would we be dead, but this child wouldn't have been born, either.

The man drinks the tea.

?: Very well. Then the least I can do is to pass down your name to posterity.

??: No need for that.

?: But didn't you say you were at a loss because you have no heirs? Even if a humble charcoal-seller like myself, can't do it, I'm sure that one day, somebody will.

??: No need for that... Suyako.

The man turns his head and faces her.

??: Those who have mastered your skill... share the same fate. Even if it's a new era. Even if you must take a different path to get there, you'll always find your Way back to the same place. You seem to perceive me as some kind of special person, but you're wrong about that.

The man picks up his sword and puts his under the white rope tied around his pants. His hair was the same color as Tanjiro's. The tips were just a bit brighter. His top was a purple and black pentagon pattern. His pants were black and so were the bottom of his sandals. His eyes were white and strap part of his sandals were teal. He had a red flame shaped scar on his left side of his forehead, and one that started his right side of his chin, and went down to his neck..

??: I failed to protect anything that was important to me, interrupt my life I was unable to do what I was supposed to do. I am worthless.

Suyako: Please don't. Please don't say something like that. Please. I'm begging you! Don't think of yourself like that!

So sad. So sad.

Nezuko had tears in her eyes. She was laying in a bed there were bandages on her head, chin, left and right arm, and right hand. She was attacked to three IVs.

Nezuko: It... was a dream.

A pot that had two flowers in it was on the floor, broken.

Zenitsu stood in the doorway shocked.

Nezuko: Where... am I?

Zenitsu gasped and ran to her side.

Zenitsu: Are you OK? You've been in a coma for two months ever since that battle!

Nezuko turned to him.

Nezuko: Is that right? I see.

Tears appeared in his eyes.

Zenitsu: I'm so glad you woke up!

A Kakushi was holding a tray.

My name is Goto. I'm a member of the Demon Slayer Corps Cleanup Crew, a Kakushi. During the Hashira Meeting, someone said to Nezuko Kamado, "Are you going to sleep all day? Wake the hell up, will you?"

That was me.

It seems fate tends to draw us together. I was also the one who found her and her friends two months ago in the Entertainment District. Since I found them like this... "They're pretty close!" I thought. Or so I thought, until I saw that all three of them were critically wounded and comatose. They're younger than me, and they became swordswomen who risked their lives in battle, so I respect them wholeheartedly.

Goto thinks of Aoi.

I have no clue about this one. What's her deal?

And what here in my hands is premium castella. To be honest, it's taking everything I have to stop myself from gobbling it up this second. But this is a gift for her, since she's still unconscious.

Goto walks up to the door and sees the broken vase and water on the ground.

Clean up this mess! I swear, this dude never sees anything through! Gee, Zenitsu. You never talk, and you're such a weirdo! It's all because they made you slay demons since you were a kid!

Goto cleans up the mess.

Well, it's not like I can scold him since he's higher ranked than me. Even though I'm already 23.

Goto: Excuse me. I'm going to set this castella down, so please clear it away after a while. If it seems like it's about to go bad, you can have it.

Nezuko: Oh, thank you... very much.

Goto drops the tray in shock.


Zenitsu lowers his head a little, apologetically.

Goto: Everyone's worried, okay? Seniority doesn't mean jack, all right? At least, not in this case!

Goto takes a deep breath in.

Goto: Kiyo! Sumi! Naho! Inosuke! NEZUKO WOKE UP FROM HER COMA!

To be continued...

読んでくれてありがとう! 💚

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