Chapter 62- To defeat an Uppermoon

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Third Person:

Aoi and Kanao were dodging and clashing their swords with Makinatsuru's lasers. She laughed as they did so. They were both injured.

Aoi: Hey! Watch it! There's too many of these things to keep up with!

Aoi tried to cut through them.

Aoi: They might be slithery, but these things are hard as a rock! There's no end in sight to 'em, either!

Aoi looked to her left and saw Gyutaro who was close to decapitating Tengen.

Aoi: Damnit! Dammit! They're gonna decapitate him without me!

Kanao: Aoi, incoming attack!

Aoi dodges and lands on the roof.

The only way to bring this one down is for us to strike at the same time! We're able to hold our own by dodging her laser attacks, but we can't expect to win just by avoiding her. We have to act! If we can close the distance, we can go for her head!

Aoi growls before she yells and flops her arms around cutting the lasers.

Kanao: Aoi, calm down! We don't have to strike simultaneously. We just need to make sure the two demon heads aren't connected!

A bunch of lasers wrap around Kanao. She cuts through them.

Kanao: Even after days, beheaded their demon, we have to fight with all we've got!

Aoi: Wait, your... Your like... You're like a completely different person now, aren't you? What gives?

Stay alert, Nezuko thinks. And useless chance to go for his head. I can do it!

Tengen holds his swords at the side of his neck.

Damn, Gyutaro thinks. He won't budge!

Tengen laughs.

Tengen: Do you really think you are capable of cutting off my head? Hate to break it to you, but that's not gonna happen!

The chains on Tengen's swords wrap around Nezuko and Gyutaro's swords.

My blade is stuck!

Gyutaro was going to use his other sword to cut Tengen's head but Tengen does a 180 and uses his teeth to trap the tip of the sword in his mouth.

Of course, a freak, like you can swing his head all the way around like that!

Sound waves form around his shoulders.

Not again!

Gyutaro: Kamado, hang on tight!

Nezuko grunts and Ume holds onto her box. The sound waves get bigger. Gyutaro and Tengen bounce away while Nezuko and Ume are pushed back.

Nezuko: Mr. Shabana!

Ume gets up while Nezuko looks down on all fours.

Ume: Gyutaro!

Nezuko: Mr. Shabana!

The side of the roof explodes pushing the two back.

Aoi: Look out!

Nezuko gasps. The lasers were heading towards them. Tanjiro and Ume move out of the way as Kanao and Aoi fight the lasers.

Nezuko: Aoi! Kanao!

Aoi and Kanao protect Nezuko and Ume from the lasers.

Aoi: They're forcing us to change our strategy! Muscle! I can't close it on the Bug ladies, especially after that blue one joined them, no matter what! So us for will take her on, while the praying mantis deals with the old man alone!

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