Chapter 64- Together forever

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Third Person:

Tanjiro falls out of the box. He spreads green flames around his wrists as he wakes up. His flames burn all of the sound waves.

Tanjiro pats Nezuko's shoulders.

Tanjiro: Mm mm. Mm mm!

Nezuko opens eyes and sees Tanjiro's sad face. Her head was in his lap.

Nezuko: Tanjiro...

Nezuko looks around. Everything was destroyed and burnt into ash.

So awful. Nezuko sits up. The whole place is wrecked.

Tanjiro puts his head against Nezuko's cheek.

Nezuko: you were the one who saved me, Tanjiro? Thanks!

Nezuko strokes Tanjiro's head.

Nezuko: Wait. What about the others?

Nezuko stands up, but falls back down immediately. Tanjiro stares at her.

I can't... move my body. No. Why am I able to move at all? Why am I alive? After being poisoned!

Kanao: Nezuko!

Nezuko gasps.

Nezuko: That sounds like Kanao!

Kanao: NEZUKO! Help me!

Nezuko tries to move but she can't. Tanjiro carries her on her back.

Kanao was crying heavily.

Kanao: NEZUKOOOO!!! I woke up, and my body hurts all over! Both my legs! Are they broken?! What's going on? Who did this to me, huh? It really hurts! I'm too scared to look!

Nezuko: you're OK then? Thank goodness!

Kanao: I AM ANYTHING BUT OKAY!!! Not that I don't deserve pity, too, but Aoi's in bad shape! The look of life from her body is getting weaker and weaker!

Nezuko: Aoi, where is she?

Kanao: Over there! She's over there!

Kanao pointed to the top of a pile of rubble. Aoi was laying there.

Nezuko: AOI!!! Aoi! Aoi, stay with me! Aoi!

Nezuko laid Aoi in her lap. Her hand was on her chest where the stab wound was. She also made Aoi wear her haori.

I can hear her heart growing weaker! I have to neutralize the poison! I know!

Nezuko: What about sunlight?

The moon shined brightly.

Daybreak's still a ways off. What should I do? What should I do? Send a crow to Sir Douma? No, there's no time! If I don't do something right now, Aoi's gonna die!

Nezuko formed tears in her eyes.

Why was my life spared? Why was I the only one?

Tanjiro put his hand on Aoi's chest. Then he activated his blood demon art, setting Aoi on fire. Nezuko gasped.

Her skin, inflamed by the poison... it's starting to heal!

Aoi: ... I'm starving! Give me something to eat!

Nezuko: Aoi!

Nezuko and Tanjiro hug Aoi as Nezuko wails loudly.

Nezuko: Thank goodness! Thank goodness!

Aoi: Knock it off! You're creeping me out!

Nezuko doesn't stop.

Ume: NOOOOOO!!! Please don't die! Please don't die on me, brother! Not after we managed to survive! Not after we won! I can't take it! I can't take it! How are we supposed to deal with demon poison?! The gods are so cruel! SO CRUEL!

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