Chpater 63- Never give up

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Third Person:

Nezuko gasped and woke up. She was panting a lot. The right side of her forehead was bleeding.

Was that a dream about the past?  Hold on. Where am I? Am I...

All of the buildings were destroyed and everything was on fire.

This is awful. How did it come to this? I just hope the people who lived here were able to escape.

She then gasped and looked at her box.


Tanjiro was asleep.

Nezuko: Tanjiro. Thank you, Tanjiro.

My fault or not, I've got to do what I can do.

Tengen: Well, I am impressed. I'm shocked you're still alive after that.

Nezuko gasped.

Tengen: You are one lucky guy, aren't you? Well, not that you have anything going for you, except being lucky, that is.

Maksumatsuru were separate again. The three of them looked down at them.

Tengen: it really is a shame, you know. Every one of your friends is dead what burning under the bubble right now. It only took a single thrust to that boar's heart. Meanwhile, the yellow haired girl is trapped under the bubble, so I think I'll leave her there until she dies. Squirming around like an insect, how disgraceful is that? Those Hashira, they really were all bark, and no bite. It seems to poison got to the praying mantis after all, and now he's dead like the others. The girl got trapped under rubble too. She isn't moving at all plus she has fatal injuries so she might as well be dead. You're all disgraceful, utterly disgraceful. You all might be pathetic and shameless in your own ways, but you are by far the worst! The one sticking out of that box, that's a relative of yours, isn't it? I can tell he's related to you, you know, even if he is a Demon. Tell me, who is he? Your older brother?

Nezuko begins panting.

Why won't he kill me? What's going on here? My arm is numb. I couldn't lift my sword if I wanted to. So if I wait for his head now, I couldn't slash it.

Nezuko: That boy in the box, is my older brother.

Tengen starts giggling.

Tengen: it's just as I thought, then. You really are a disgrace, huh? Imagine being so useless, you can't protect your own brother.

Tenegn kneels down so he's at her level.

Tengen: Well, I guess I can't be helped. After all, you're just human. It makes sense you're weaker than your brother. Considering he's a demon, it only makes sense he's stronger than you. Even so, I just can't help but see you as a disgrace.

Tengen starts stroking her head.

Tengen: if you're really a strong swordswomen, then you should be protecting him instead of leaving him to fight all of your battles for you, you coward. Flamboyantly... With his hand, you see?

Tengen giggles after he lifts up two of Nezuko's fingers. He suddenly pulls them back, breaking them completely. Nezuko groans in pain. Tengen laughs out loud. He then smacks her head.

Tengen: But I've got to know. How do you feel after all this? Being the only one to survive, so disgracefully? Not to mention you let that kid brother of yours use up his strength, protecting a disgrace like you.

Tengen grasp her by the hair and shakes her.

Tengen: Hey, answer me, worm. You imbecile. Sadsack. Coward! Good for nothing! Why was trash like you even going to begin with? What are you gonna do? I don't know about you, but I'd love to see you try and cut off my head with that useless, battered, disgraceful human body of yours. Come on! Come on! Come on!

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