Chapter 52- Now it starts

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Welcome to the last day of daily posting

I finally ran out of drafts

Third Person:

The sky was a pretty shade of purple. The sun was setting. Nezuko was running on a rooftop.

Not good. The sun's almost done setting. I've got to get to Aoi's place fast.

Nezuko came to a stop. She looked around.

There's an aura. It's faint, but it feels sweet. It's a demon! It has to be! And it's nearby. This is bad.

Aoi was waiting around.

Aoi: She's late! It's almost nightfall, and he's still not here yet! Way to mess things up, Souichiko! I'll just have to take action by myself with the spirit of "comin' through" flowing through my heart!

Aoi jumped up and busted her head through the ceiling.

Aoi: Come on out, mice, and bring my swords!

Two muscular mice approached Aoi. They were both carrying her swords.

Aoi: Man, Shabana's something else, huh?

Mice: Muscle! Muscle! Muscle!

Aoi: I gotta thank him for setting me up with these Muscular Mice of his.

Aoi got dressed in her uniform and held her swords in her hands. A woman looked at her in fear.

Aoi: It's time to vanquish a demon! Make way... 'cause I'm comin' through!

Aoi busted through the door.

The Master that was dealing with Warabihime was holding the dead Madam's blood stained, purple kimono.

Gyutaro: What happened to Zenko and Ume?

The guy gasped. Gyutaro held a knife at his throat.

Gyutaro: Give me the short version. And don't even think about asking questions.

Sir: Zenko just disappeared. Ume ran away and it's believed that she committed ashinuke.

Gyutaro: Tell me everything that you think might be relevant. Who is it that you suspect? You can trust me.

Gyutaro moves the knife away. The guy panted.

Gyutaro: You have my word that I'll kill whoever it is. I will get revenge for you.


The guy started to cry.

Sir: it was an oiran whose name is Warabihime. You'll find her on the northside. She lives in the room that has no light.

Guy gasped and turned around. Gyutaro was gone.

Gyutaro looked through the window of the room.

Not here. She must be on the prowl for humans.

Gyutaro was now running on a rooftop.

I'll try to pinpoint the demon's presence. If Ume's still alive, she might have some information. Either way, the demon should be back here by daybreak. Then I can dispose of it with my own two hands.

Nezuko jumps down.

The presence is strong. There's no question.

Nezuko: Miss Koinatsu!

Nezuko gasped.

?: Are you a demon hunter? Glad you came. So how many of you are there? I know there's at least two of you now that a yellow-haired girl has been found. Is there a Hashira with you, or is he on his way now? I can tell you're not a Hashira. You seem far too weak. I have no use for anyone who's not one. Understood?

The demon talking to Nezuko had a purple rope tied around Koinatsu. She was the purple demon who talked to Koinatsu earlier.

I'm too late. But what's going on? I can't see Miss Koinatsu's body. She's not bleeding. There's no feeling or scent of blood.

?: in case you were wondering, I don't devour, dirty people, or anyone ugly for that matter.

Nezuko saw her eyes and gasped.

There's no doubt. She's Upper Rank Six!

Nezuko: Let that poor woman go!

Nezuko drew out her sword.

The demon got angry.

?: Just who the hell do you think you were talking to?! How dare you?!

The demon sent ropes at Nezuko that launched her into the wall of another building. Nezuko sat there in shock. She then coughed.

She's so fast, I didn't even see her move. This is an Upper Rank. I have no strength left in my limbs, and my body is numb. Calm down. My body responding fine. Otherwise, I wouldn't even be alive right now.

Nezuko stood up.

The only reason I can't put streets behind my attacks is because I'm afraid. And I just slammed into that wall, so obviously, my body is numb. That demon used a purple ray of energy to attack me. She can also absorb humans inside of it.

?: Are you still alive? Well... looks like you're tougher than I thought. And those eyes of yours are lovely, aren't they? So lovely I might just have to gouge them out and double them up.

Suddenly one of the straps connects to Tanjiro's box broke.

The box! It's not broken. But the next time she attacks me, it's sure to be destroyed.

Nezuko put the box down.

Nezuko: Sorry, Tanjiro. The shoulder strap broke. I can't carry you while I fight.

Tanjiro looked sad. He let out a small sad noise.

Nezuko: Don't leave that box... unless you feel that your life is in danger.

Tanjiro let out a sad noise again.

Nezuko: Water Breathing. Fourth Form... Striking Tide, Turbulent!

Nezuko and the demon charged at each other.

Nezuko attacked the many of the purple rays that were moving to her. The demon made one big ray of power with a little rays and made them charge to Nezuko. She used her sword to deflect the attack. It sent her high up into the air. Nezuko then continued to attack the rays. She soon managed to cut through one. The demon grunted and pushed her sword.

Nezuko managed to land on her feet on the ground. She was next to the rope Koinatsu was trapped in. The demon landed on the ground too.

?: Color me impressed. Your aerial combat isn't half-bad, and you carefully cut Koinatsu from my belt. Very fine sword-work indeed.

Nezuko panted and looked at the rope, then back at the demon.

?: That was very cute of you.

Nezuko panted some more.

?: I think I'm starting to grow fond of you. Want to know why? Cause you're like a rat on the brink of death.

Upper Rank 6. Can I do it without Mr. Shabana, Kanao, or Aoi here? Can I really do this alone? No... it's not a matter of if I can do it.

Nezuko held her sword up and pointed it at the demon.

I have to!

To be continued...

読んでくれてありがとう! 🖤

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