Chapter 23- Telling the Family

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Third Person:

Nezuko turned around and looked up.

Nezuko: What was that sound? Did lightning just strike?

Aoi: How should I know?

Nezuko: But I'm not seeing any thunderclouds. Aoi!

Aoi was about to jump on a rock in a river.

Nezuko: I a think I'll go that way.

Aoi: Go ahead and do whatever you want!

Nezuko: You should descend the mountain.

Aoi turned around and looked at Nezuko.

Nezuko: Go down the mountain.

Aoi: Why would I? Just beat it!

Nezuko: No, no, because you're severely wounded.

Aoi: I'm not wounded at all!

Nezuko looked at Aoi confused. Aoi was bleeding visibly from her arms.


Nezuko: N-n-no, Aoi! Your injuries... Anyone can see that...

Nezuko and Aoi turn their heads and see a girl with pale skin looking at them. She's one of the bear demon family members.

A demon!

Aoi yells and begins to threaten the demon.

Aoi: I'll tear you to shreds, you demon!

The girl looked upset and then she ran away.

Aoi: Come back here, damnit!

Aoi began to jump across the rocks in the river.

Nezuko: Aoi!

The girl continued to run then she turned around.

Bear sister: Now father!

Aoi: Who are you calling "Father?"

Aoi stopped running a looked up. A giant demon was falling down.

Nezuko: Aoi!

The demon jumped into the river. Aoi jumped out and stood on a rock in front of Nezuko.

Father bear: Don't come near my family!

The demon punched the rock Aoi was on. She jumped away.

The demon girl looked from behind the trees.

Bear sister: I'm leaving the rest to you, Father. She then walked away.

Nezuko: Water Breathing, Second Form!

"Father" was about to Aoi. Nezuko jumped up and did a spin.

Nezuko: Water Wheel!

Nezuko had her sword on the demon's arm.

Tsutako stood in front of a dead demon slayer's body.

?: Were you acquainted with any of them?

The person speaking behind her was Doma.

Doma: There don't seem to be any survivors around here. We were informed that several rookie Mizunoto had joined the battle, but they might be dead by now, don't you think?

Tsutako: Let's go.

The two began to run through the woods.

Doma: Isn't the moon lovely? Since we've been given this joint mission, let's try to get along.

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