Chapter 59- The Shabana Siblings

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Third Person:

Nezuko was running with small Tanjiro in her arms.

Thank goodness. Tanjiro's asleep.

Tanjiro jumped up on the roof of a house where Tanjiro's box was. She placed him inside of it.

Nezuko: You sleep tight, Tanjiro.

Nezuko closed the box. She then wrapped the broken strap around her wound on her left shoulder, and carried the box on her back again.

I can still move. I can still put up a fight. This time, no matter what happens, I'm fighting to the very end.

Tengen: You two are an odd pair of siblings. One of you is very unpleasant to look at but the other one is prettier than a rare flower. Yet both of you are teeming with confidence. You guys are different than any other Hashira I've slaughtered. One of you is very tall, and the other is clearly talented, since she hasn't been injured yet. You're both special then, aren't you?

Gyutaro: You may be centuries old, but if you've been stuck in this district, then your ignorance to the real world makes sense.

Makio: What do you know about the real world?

Ume: Way more than you would!

Gyutaro: You have no idea. This country of ours, it's giant! It's full of people who would blow your mind. Some are a complete mystery. They can pick up a sword and become a Hashira in just two months! Yet you're saying I'm special? What a load of crap! Do you have any idea... just how many lives have slipped through my fingers?

Tengen: It's pretty obvious that your two are different. You just love to hear yourself talk...

And you don't?

Tengen: ...And the only thing that's pretty about your sister is her face. Only one of her eyeballs moves and blinks while the other one just stays open. Also it looks like her face is cracking too.

Ume was confused so she then touched her right cheek. Then she gasped.

My makeup is smudged. Are you kidding me?!

Ume: Don't bring my face into this!!!

Makio: Why, is that a sensitive topic for you?! You were bullying Suma while she was headless and burned, yet you have hideous burns all over your face under your makeup!!

Gyutaro: Don't insult my sister's face like that! Unlike you, she's talented and she isn't weak. And you deserved to be bullied.


My sister only had those "hideous" burns on her face because of me.

A man entered a house and gasped. He gagged and then ran away.

It's hard not to hater her name, since she was named after the very disease that killed our mother.

The Rashomon Riverbank, the lowest class of the Entertainment District where we were born. Children here were seen as extra mouths to feed, so we were cursed for being born. My mother nearly killed me more than once while I was in her womb. She also tried to kill me after I was born, since I was nothing but a burden.

And yet, I survived. My body was weak, like a withered leaf, but I clung to life with the strength I had left.

Three girls were throwing pebbles at Gyutaro.

Worm, moron, cretin, coward, good-for-nothing, dead weight. I was mocked for my ugly voice and appearance. Sometimes, they'd even throw rocks at me for it. It felt like every insult in the world was created to leave an emotional scar on me.

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