Chapter 58- Four Demons

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Third Person:

Maksumatsuru's upper body was down on her legs now. Something began to grow out of their back.  Gyutaro and Ume got ready to attack. Gyutaro's swords were about to touch the thing growing out of Maksumatsuru's back, and then a small explosion happened.

Gyutaro and Ume were now on the other side of the room. They both gasped as they heard whimpering.

Maksumatsuru was crying.

?: Come on now. There's no use crying about it, you know. Can't you even manage to reattach your own head by yourself? Well, you haven't always been the sharpest tool in the shed, have you?

The demon with Maksumatsuru was tall, about the same height as Gyutaro. They had long, white hair, red eyes, and red spots around his left eye, right cheek, and the right side of his forehead. The demon had pale skin. They were wearing a white shirt with a yellow sash around it. They also had turquoise baggy pants, with magenta socks, and white and gray sandals. They had navy blue fingerless gloves on.

She's still alive, after Ume beheaded her. More importantly, who's that guy with her? His reflexes are unreal.

?: Is that a burn on your face? You need to learn how to take better care of your face, you know? After all, you're supposed to look flashy at all times.

The demon removed the burn marks on Maksumatsuru's face. Gyutaro zoomed over to attack the new demon, but that demon got up and attacked the left side of Gyutaro's forehead.

Ume: Brother!

?: Not bad. I was going in for the kill, you know? But you were able to stop me, weren't you?

Gyutaro's blood was on his face now.

?: You're an unlucky guy, aren't you? That face of yours... hideous. Your skin is dirty too. So many blemish, birthmarks and bumps on your face. But you are tall. You look like you're well over six feet, aren't you? You disgust me. You absolutely make my stomach feel upset. Would you mind just dropping dead and in the most agonizing way at that?! Like getting skinned alive or maybe even getting that belly of yours slit open. And one more thing, you tall stick.

Maksumatsuru: Wait! He's not the only one who was harassing us. Kill the ones who burned us, and the brat who beheaded us too. Kill them! I've been toiling away over here, and yet... even though I've given it my all, they won't die! I feel like I tried everything, but they kept getting back up and picking on me. They ganged up and bullied me, and I can't take it anymore!

?: I think I understand what's happening now, and what you did to them was unforgivable. My flashy wives were doing their best with what little brains they had to work with, and you bullied them. I'll have to massacre everyone who laid a finger on them. I'll exact the same pain you inflicted upon them. When you die, those words will ring through your skull. I'll show no mercy, because my name is Tengen!

Did he say wives? But there's only one demon. That would mean...

Tengen threw both of his swords at Gyutaro. It broke through the walls behind him and caused an explosion.

Nezuko who was holding the sleeping Tanjiro, saw it from outside. She gasped.

What are those, swords? They're heading back towards Mr. Shabana. Something's not right. The laser demon never used swords. Is it a new demon? I sense Mr. Shabana's blood. I've got to back them up.

Aoi laughed. Nezuko smiled and turned to look in their direction.

Aoi: Where are you, Bugs? Lord Aoi has arrived! You can run, but you can't hide!

Nezuko: Aoi! Kanao! Kanao, are you asleep?

Aoi went in front of Kanao and yelled.

Nezuko: You two, go and help the Shabanas! Hurry!

Aoi: Sit back, relax, and leave it to me! I'm ready to go berserk! Yours truly, Lord Aoi, will handle it!

Nezuko: Thanks! I'll put Tanjiro back into his box. It should only take a second!

Aoi: I will allow it!

Nezuko: Thank you!

Maksumatsuru was now behind Tengen. Ume was now next to her brother.

Tengen: I'm so annoyed, I could die. You really are annoying aren't you? Damn. Protecting those humans, like that? I hate you both. In their eyes, you're guys are some kind of brave hero, aren't you? I bet their affection and gratitude towards you is immeasurable, you know?

Ume: Well, yeah. I'm a striking, gorgeous girl, if that wasn't obvious. Not to brag, but I was the beauty of my hometown.

Tengen: Am I going deaf or did you just say you were the beauty of your hometown? You've gotta be kidding me. Are you two even related?! Blood Demon Art. Constant Resounding Slashes!

Tengen launched visible large sound waves from his swords.

These sound waves are like blades, and so many of them! We have to protect the people.

Gyutaro dropped three balls onto the ground and then they exploded. Tengen jumped back.

Tengen: An explosion? So you're on the first floor now.

Ume: Run! Quickly!

Guy: R-Right!

Tengen: Like I'd let you escape that easily.

The sound waves went through the hole onto the floor Ume and Gyutaro were on.

Ume and Gyutaro deflected the sound waves with their swords.

He can control each of the slashes? Which means he'll keep moving them until they hit their target. The demon who I'm positive is a mixture of the two demons in that cave, and another demon didn't die, even when they were decapitated. That's unheard of. Since the demons are married, can I get rid of them both if I behead the husband instead? Is he the main unit? One way to find out.

Gyutaro took out three more small balls and threw them up to the ceiling. They made a big part of the house explod.

Aoi: Look out!

Aoi and Kanao got on the ground.

Gyutaro: Wow, this might be harder than I thought. How cool.

Ume: Cool...?

There were purple ropes around something. The all moved away.

Tengen: The thing about us is... we fight together, and four is better than one, you know?

Maksumatsuru was now three separate demons again. They were all around Tengen, glaring at the sibling duo.

To be continued...

読んでくれてありがとう! 💚

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