Chapter 2

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"One iced latte, please

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"One iced latte, please."

I nodded at the order and after punching a few buttons, handed the lady her receipt. Once she had walked away I took the next person's order. Okay. I know I complained about not having a job and blah blah blah, but after this café opened up near my home I decided I to give it a try. After all, desperate times call for desperate measures. I might as well try to at least earn a little money.

"Y/n, it's your break time now. I'll take over for you for a bit."

"Alright, Thoma!"

Quickly finishing up the current order, I switched with Thoma and went to the back for my break. To be honest, I didn't really need a break, but at the same time I didn't want to continue talking with people. I flopped onto the couch, grabbed my water bottle and a book, and zoned out.


(Heizou's POV)*

I lazily rolled my pencil on my desk. There's nothing to do in the agency when there aren't any cases to be working on. Even the case of the recent thefts by Y/n was paused so everyone could focus on finding some criminals selling illegal drugs or whatever.

"Why do you look so bored? You know you could work on the case with the rest of us."

"Yeah, guess what? The higher ups told me not to get involved in the case. If they were going to do that, why couldn't I just continue my current case?"

Kazuha laughed next to me. "Perhaps they don't want you working too much?"

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. It had been raining a while ago, but it had stopped, leaving only droplets of rain on the window. Like a child, I watched the droplets fall to the bottom of the window, trying to guess which one would fall first. After a while, I looked down at the empty street to watch the passing cars. At the café nearby, I saw Y/n step outside, wearing an apron and slowly slide down before sitting on the concrete.


(Your POV)*

During and right after rain, there's always a nice smell in the air. With 10 minutes left in my break, I decided to go outside and take a breather. I sat on a small patch of dry concrete and began thinking about what I could do with the money I earn. People passing by probably thought I was some homeless person because a few left a few dollars near me. Every time, no matter how much I wanted to keep the money, I chased after the person and handed their money back.

When I walked back into the cafe, Thoma glanced up and smiled. He then went over to go prepare some orders as I went to take over the cashier. Being a cashier isn't too bad, I just don't like talking with the people and stupidly smiling as if I was happy with my crappy life. It hadn't even been long since I had gotten back to work, when a familiar man walked in with someone else.

"Heizou, are you sure we'll be able to find information here?"

"Don't worry. My intuition tells me we will."

Shikanoin Heizou, the detective from last night. I seriously thought I wouldn't see him again for a good while. My only concern at the moment was whether or not he was here to arrest me. I bit my lip before putting on my work smile and greeting them.

"Welcome! What would you like to order?"

The detective smiled at me. He obviously recognized me, but regardless, he and his friend still ordered something. The two men were walking away when Heizou suddenly stopped and turned around.

"Could we talk for a moment? Don't worry, this isn't about your situation."

I frowned. "Unfortunately, I have to work, Detective Shikanoin. But if what you need to discuss is important, you could ask Thoma."

He glanced at Thoma and turned around again. I continued to take more orders until Thoma told me that Heizou wanted to talk with me. Thoma was a very agreeable person. He was very accepting about things unless it was dangerous.


"Do you need anything from me, Detective Shikanoin?"

"Just call me Heizou. You know about the drug dealings going on in the city, don't you?"

I hesitated. Bad move. Heizou grinned, knowing he was right. His friend listened quietly. It was almost as if he wasn't there.

"Well that escalated quickly... Do you want me to be honest with you?"

Heizou just smiled back without a word. I slowly began to wonder if he always did this because it was starting to get on my nerves. He and his friend seemed to be waiting for my response.

I slipped out a small piece of paper and scribbled a few words onto it. Placing it on the table and turning around, I replied, "I can't keep giving in too easily, Heizou."


~12:00 a.m.~

No one knows yet they all do.

Where the moon meets its opposite and scoundrels chime in,

~chanting "A silver deer is greedy for more."~


A/N: Sorry, a little shorter chapter this time and no the last part is not a poem. I suck at writing poems so... 

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