Chapter 9

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When Y/n opened her eyes the next morning, she was a bit surprised to find herself in a familiar room and not the alleyway she remembered falling asleep at

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When Y/n opened her eyes the next morning, she was a bit surprised to find herself in a familiar room and not the alleyway she remembered falling asleep at. Her eyes felt heavy from crying. She looked over to the window and instead found none other than Shikanoin Heizou looking through a notebook in his lap. Heizou was holding one of her hands and, noticing that her grip had loosened, glanced towards her.

As soon as he looked over, Y/n turned over and buried her face into the pillow, letting go of the detective's hand. She heard him let out a faint chuckle before laying down next to her and using one arm to hold up his upper body.

"...Why'd you bring me back?" Y/n asked after some time.

Heizou hummed in reply, fidgeting with her hair, "I've got reasons for everything."

"That's not helpful whatsoever."

The detective didn't respond this time. Y/n had grown a certain impression of him after being around him more often lately: hard-working, but only for work, lazy otherwise, flirtatious, secretive, and mischievous yet also very kind and caring. For appearances well... she couldn't deny that he was quite good-looking. She thought about this for a bit until realizing that shouldn't be her concern at the moment.

She rolled over again and sat up, surprising the detective a little as he had been braiding her hair. He sat up with her and handed her his notebook, which she reluctantly looked through. There was a lot of messy handwriting probably from having to rush, but it was still legible. Heizou leaned over and flipped to the pages of the current case. One of the names on the list caught her eye and she froze for a second.

"You recognize the name, don't you?" Heizou whispered into her ear.

After taking a few shaky breaths, Y/n nodded. She knew that name really well, almost too well.


A little wind chime's song was carried through a small breeze as Y/n jumped over each crack in the sidewalk. On one of the doorsteps of her house, an older and more mature girl looked up at the sky, looking a little impatient. Y/n leapt onto the girl, wrapping her arms around her neck. The two both laughed, knowing this was their usual greeting.

"Today, I went to a tiny river in the mountains with Heizou! I got really wet and mommy forced me to take a shower!"

The older girl smiled as she listened to her younger sister talk about her day. Her sister's constant rambling was the highlight of her days, something she would never get tired of. She didn't want to ruin Y/n's happy childhood with her own problems so most of the time, she stayed silent.

"Big sis, I heard you fighting with daddy yesterday. Did daddy say something mean to you?"

She froze. The sudden change in mood scared Y/n, but her sister quickly shook her head with a sad smile. She looked down the street and after a while asked a strange question...


Y/n turned her head away from Heizou, "Are they the murderer?"

"With the current evidence? Most likely." Heizou replied calmly. He noticed a change in Y/n when she saw the name and hesitantly took her in his arms. Subconsciously, Y/n leaned into his touch. Her head rested on his chest and she could hear the steady beating of his heart. If she was not looking down at the bedsheets, she might've noticed the slight blush that dusted the detective's cheeks.

A sudden ringing of a phone interrupted the silence. The two stared at the nightstand where both of their phones were. Heizou's phone was lit up and moving slightly because of the vibration. He reached to grab his phone and accepted the call. Y/n couldn't hear the call very well because the sounds were muffled after being placed against Heizou's ear. A visible frown appeared on his face before turning into shock.

"What do you mean Kazuha's hospitalized?"

Y/n, too, was surprised by the news. After the call had ended, Heizou got off the bed and slipped on a coat quickly. He threw another coat towards Y/n and motioned her to follow him. She pulled on the jacket and ran after him.


"What happened?!" Heizou asked in a demanding voice when he arrived at the hospital.

A tall woman with short indigo hair stopped her conversation and turned towards the direction of the two newcomers. She raised a hand towards the two policemen with her, dismissing them. Heizou grabbed Y/n's hand and stormed up to the stranger demanding for an answer once more.

"Mr. Shikanoin, I advise you to watch your tone when speaking to your superior, especially in a place like this."

"I don't give a fuck about that right now, Sara. Tell me what happened."

The woman frowned and sighed before responding again. "When Kaedehara came into the office to report on the progress of the current case, he overheard a conversation about your prime suspect and decided to go ahead and search the place alone. By the time we had found him, he had been stabbed in the stomach and was in critical condition."

The detective's shoulders slumped down in disbelief. He refused to believe it and argued with the woman. Y/n bit her lip anxiously and held Heizou's hand tighter. He stopped talking and hung his head low. Y/n had never seen Heizou in such strong denial before and was unsure of how to help cheer him up like he had always done for her.


Her sister's eyes were serious yet she also looked as if she would burst out crying any second. Y/n didn't know why her sister was so nervous. She had never seen her this way, actually she always found it hard to understand the feelings of other people. The older girl sighed and brushed her hand through Y/n's hair.

"You're all I have, Y/n. So please, answer me. How would you feel if I was your brother instead?"


Aikawa Rie

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Height: 5'6"

Important Details: Known as male murderer Aikawa Ryo, Kill tally: 32 people


A/N: I'm not that good at coming up with storylines so sorry if the plot is pretty obvious. Anyways guess who could've posted this yesterday but got lazy? Totally not me. :D

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