Chapter 12

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The familiar scene of a high rooftop during the night when the city comes alive stretched beyond me again. My starting position was right where I had left off. I was so close to the edge yet something was different. There was no view of the bright artificial lights, midnight traffic, nor late night party people crowding the streets. Instead a smaller building replaced the spot.

'Live... Keep living. Live. Live. Live.'

I turned around to see the door that led back into the building. It was open. A warm golden light shone through. It's a warning. A black figure of fog appeared in the doorway taking the form of someone so dear to me. I was tempted to leave the edge and rush into their arms, but that was not right. It could not be, for they are lying in a hospital bed and have not gained consciousness.

"Come, ____." it said to me.

Just as my foot left the edge and towards the figure, I turned, leaping off the building. Time seemed to slow down. Everything became clear, until I stopped.

"Don't go." it spoke in a metallic, bloodcurdling voice.


The first thing in the morning that immediately woke up everyone was a high pitched scream from Y/n's room. She was merely resting on the window sill in a not very safe way, but still she didn't think it was anything to be worried about. The maid rushed over to her, telling her to get down. Not wanting the woman to get a heart attack, Y/n reluctantly got down and apologized.

Once the maid had calmed down, she led Y/n to get breakfast. At first Y/n refused, saying she was not hungry, but the dissatisfied look from the maid (which looked like the face a mother would give her child when they miserably failed their exam assuming they would be disappointed) made Y/n follow her.

"Thank you." Y/n mumbled as the maid smiled brightly before continuing her work.

After eating only half of her food, Y/n looked through Heizou's notes while sipping a cup of coffee. Even though Sara didn't trust her all that much, she allowed her to take the detective's notebook with her to look through it. Perhaps Y/n is not very good at detective work, but she wanted to try and figure it out, knowing her own family member was involved and confirmed to be the murderer in the recent cases. She was organizing the notes on a separate piece of paper with the intent of burning them later, when someone came into the room, interrupting her concentration.

"Your determination to continue the investigation is quite commendable."

Y/n looked over to see a tall man with light blue hair, whom she recognized as the Commissioner, Kamisato Ayato. So that she would not seem disrespectful, she mumbled a quiet thank you before continuing to write. The man chuckled, then sat at the chair in front of her on the other side of the table.

"How do you plan to continue on your own?"

"I'm merely planning at the moment. Unless you want to help, I'll go with what I have."

There was a moment of silence before the commissioner replied. "You took the words right from my mouth."


After the two had struck a deal, Y/n handed the progress on the investigation to Ayato (with much hesitation) and told him her plan for the day. Ayato was quite interested, mostly because when the police had found her the day Heizou was hospitalized, she was curled up in a ball speaking inaudible nonsense. Now she was a determined woman no one would have expected to have been having a mental breakdown some time ago if the dark circles under her eyes and her reluctance to eat and sleep were not present.

"If I'm not mistaken, Mr. Aikawa has not been heard from since the drug selling incident, correct?"

Y/n nodded. She knew where the commissioner was going with the question. "I know my father well. It shouldn't be too hard to find him, but I've been wondering about something, Commissioner."

Ayato raised an eyebrow, signaling that he was curious to know. While fidgeting with her hands, Y/n asked, "I am currently here because there is no one else to watch over me during the investigation. I'm sure Ms. Sara must've told you not to trust me, so why do you wish to help me?"

"Just because I do not trust you does not mean I cannot help you."

Y/n thought about his reply for a moment before continuing with their previous topic on the investigation. They had a basic outline of what they could do until the detective was free to move about again without any trouble. The conversation had not progressed very far when Thoma came rushing into the room with a panicked look.

"M-my lord! There's terrible news!"

Ayato got up quickly, demanding to know the news.

"Aikawa F/n has been found dead at the outskirts of Ritou."

Y/n's eyes widened with shock. "...What?"


A sort of maniac laughter echoed in the surrounding area. Blood splattered the grass and the man's lifeless body lying in front of him filled him with pure joy. A muffled sound of crying came from behind the trees, but he did not care. As long as he could enjoy this moment and get away with it... there was nothing better.

His hands ran down his face and neck, the dark red liquid staining his pale skin in the morning glow. A happy sigh left his dried lips as he looked into the direction of the weeping. It was beginning to irritate him. Perhaps he should get rid of it? Or could he use it somehow? A screw was loose in his head and he no longer wanted to think about it.

"Hey, kid. Why don't you come over here?"

His voice was similar to that of a female's but the way he looked, covered in blood, made it so no one questioned anything about him. A small gasp interrupted the quiet cries. He made his way over to the trees, a trail of blood and dead life being left behind with every step. When he stopped the crying stopped and was changed into pleas for forgiveness.

"Forgive you?"

At first it was a low chuckle, then it grew louder, until it was a full laugh, a laugh that sent shivers down one's spine, a laugh that said the owner had no mercy.

"Forgive you? You must be joking!"

He did not seem humane. Was he even human?

The answer is...

No. Of course not. You would be crazy to think he was.

That night, two were killed, but only one was found.


A/N: Told you I would double post. I think I'm getting into this whole murder story, getting in the mood for Halloween. (Happy Halloween btw) <3

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