Chapter 20

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"I do apologize for the inconvenience

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"I do apologize for the inconvenience."

"No worries! We were about finished anyways!" Yoimiya chirped.

The two girls had been stopped while they were testing out the newly made fireworks as the event of the test of courage was being set up. They gathered up the rest of the materials and left Chinju Forest. On the way, Yoimiya could not stop babbling about the Test of Courage and how the two should check it out.

"Hm. That would be fun. Maybe I should ask Heizou as well..."

"You should!"

Once the two made it back to the fireworks shop, Y/n hung out and helped a bit for a while longer before heading back home. She hadn't gotten very far when she found Heizou coming out of a cafe with a cup of coffee and a small bag. He noticed her right away and smiled. Apparently he had just gotten off of work, but still had to finish some files once he had gotten to the house.

Handing the small bag to Y/n, Heizou apologizes. "Sorry for not being able to be with you today even though I asked you to take the day off."

"Ah, it's not that big of a deal. We get to hang out now don't we?"

Heizou shook his head. "I think it's a pretty big deal."

Y/n opens the bag and finds a chocolate croissant. She takes off a small piece and hands it to the detective, who gladly eats it from her hand. He reminded Y/n a little of a dog. When the two reached the house, Kazuha was waiting outside for them. The autumn male waved, but his face seemed quite annoyed.


"Kazuha, aren't you supposed to leave for Liyue soon?" Heizou asked confused.

After the case had finished, Kazuha had planned to leave with the Crux, a well known group of "pirates" that had a great reputation in many places, to travel. Today was the day he was supposedly leaving and actually should be leaving in about an hour, but there were no suitcases, no bags, nothing. It truly was odd for the man to cancel things without reason.

"A few things came up. Heizou, have you ever introduced yourself to Y/n's cousin?"

"No? Okay Kazuha, what's the matter?"

Kazuha sighs and shakes his head. Y/n could tell Hibiki had probably said something that annoyed the collected man. She hadn't realized that her cousin could do anything like that, but she did know that Hibiki was a computer nerd.

Getting the feeling she should let the two men talk, Y/n excuses herself to the kitchen. She opens the fridge to find that it was mostly empty. After scribbling a list down on a piece of paper she went into the living room where Heizou and Kazuha spoke in low voices, so Y/n quietly took her bag and left the house.

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