Chapter 3

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A small light flickered late at night

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A small light flickered late at night. The golden shine reflecting on the dark waters. Although a good distance away, Y/n could smell the strong odor of alcohol. It was the time of year when drug dealers came together and celebrated their success by indulging themselves in the finest liquor. After she was sure the men had grown drunk, she quietly stood up from the tree wearing a disguise and went up to the bunch.

"Huh? What do you want?" one of the drug dealers asked with a short temper.

Y/n laughed a little and tried not to gag at the strong smell. "I think you know what I want. After all, a silver deer is greedy for more."

The man's eyes lit up and quickly nudged one of his companions, loudly whispering to him to get the "goods." When the companion came back with a large grin on his face, he set out a large collection of drugs on the dock. Y/n took one look at them and kicked them into the water. Right as she did, every person involved at the dock froze. After a silent and disturbing minute, they all charged at her, demanding she repaid them for destroying their drugs.

As she swiftly dodged the group of drunk men, she managed to grab a few of their wallets in the process. She began running, taking out the money, and throwing the wallets while the bunch continued to chase after her, not knowing some had lost all their loose change.

'I should do this more often... it's a lot more convenient and I can ruin the lives of those assholes.'


Everyone froze at the loud voice. Y/n looked over to see her father.

"What- how did-"

"I asked what the hell do you think you're doing?"

Y/n couldn't utter a word. She didn't know how he had known it was her or why he thought he still had the authority to order her around when she was the one dealing with his shit. As her father grew nearer, she grew angrier. The moment the man came close to her, Y/n had punched him in the stomach, making him fall to his knees. Just as she was about to leave, the police had already surrounded everyone and the one person she didn't want to see was with them.


"I'll deal with Miss Y/n here. Go deal with the drunkards."

Y/n took off her hood and mask. What was the point if two people could tell it was her even with the disguise on? She glared at the detective while he wore his usual smile.

"You know, if this was any ordinary case, I would've had to arrest you? So, tell me. What crazy thing did you do this time?"

Why would she tell him? He was nothing more than a detective she could find a way to shake off. She bit her lip and turned away. Her father was arguing with the police nearby, making her mood worse.

"If you consider kicking a supply of drugs in the ocean crazy, then I guess that counts."

"That's not the only thing you did though, right?"

"Can't you just let me off the hook? It's not like I did anything that bad."

Heizou suddenly burst out into laughter. His eyes shined with amusement. Y/n couldn't understand why the situation was so funny and plastered a questioning look on her face. All the other police were busy trying to calm down the drunk men that none looked in their direction as the detective asked a very important question.

"You've caused quite a ruckus, but you wouldn't mind if we had a little fun with this, do you?"


Y/n woke up the next morning, wondering if the previous night was a dream only to find she was still wearing the same disguise. She sat up straight in her "bed" and looked around. It was her house, but she couldn't remember how she had gotten here. Then remembering the money she had stolen, checked her pockets, but only found a small note instead.

Better luck next time, Y/n~


The writing was somewhat messy and rushed. Angrily, Y/n crumpled up the paper and threw it across the room, successfully landing in the trash can. She looked up at the clock which read 6:45 in the morning. Work wasn't until 8:00. As she got up, changed her clothes and completed her daily needs (showering, brushing teeth, tidying up her hair, etc.) there was a knock on the door.

Y/n stared at the door patiently for a good minute before slowly opening the door to see who it was. On the other side of the door was the person that was with Heizou the other day at the cafe. Unlike Heizou, who had a flirtatious and mischievous like personality, this man seemed calmer and more open minded.

"It's 7 am. What do you want?" Y/n asked in a demanding voice. She made sure not to sound too offensive in case she would get arrested on the spot.

The man smiled. "I apologize. My name is Kaedehara Kazuha. Heizou asked me to give this letter to you before you went to work."

Kazuha handed an envelope to Y/n, which she cautiously took. She held it up and inspected it before nodding. After Kazuha looked at her house and the surrounding area quickly, he left with a goodbye.

'Seems like my home isn't the safest place anymore.'


A/N: Sorry I haven't been posting much. I have school so I can't post as much. Let's hope this chapter satisfies ya'll for a while <3

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