Chapter 8

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"I believe this conversation is getting nowhere, so why don't you shut your mouth before I think twice about letting you go or shall I sew your mouth shut?"

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"I believe this conversation is getting nowhere, so why don't you shut your mouth before I think twice about letting you go or shall I sew your mouth shut?"

The woman who had only just been ranting to Y/n about her own selfishness now cowered on the ground. Y/n had tried to be kind and cooperative, but that was really hard to do when the person she was trying to cooperate with was a pompous spoiled lady with an enormous ego. She wondered what her father saw in this woman. There was nothing special about her besides her large income. She even began to wonder why she was even paying off his debts when his oh-so-lovely rich girlfriend existed.

"My archons! Y/n, this is NOT how you interrogate someone!"

"Shut up, Heizou. I'm not in the mood to hear a lecture on how to interrogate an imbecile."

The detective had no choice but to sigh and drag Y/n away from the frightened lady, before getting Kazuha to take over the interrogation. Y/n sat in her father's living room until Kazuha had finished. Apparently the woman did not care for Y/n's father and so she never knew where the man was or what he was doing.

Next, the group decided to interview Kokomi as she and Gorou were very close. Y/n wondered why she was allowed to tag along in the investigation since she wasn't even part of the detective agency. She was just any regular thief that somehow caught the attention of the famous Detective Heizou. After the previous interview, the two detectives decided it would be better for Y/n to wait outside while one of them interviewed Kokomi.

At first, Kokomi was very insistent on letting all three of them come in because that's just how she is, a kind person willing to bring in anyone into her home unless she feels threatened. Heizou was going to do the interview this time, but realized that Kokomi seemed more comfortable with Kazuha and decided not to do it himself.


A few more interviews had gone by when the three had returned back to the house. Y/n sat on the couch with her head leaned back and her eyes closed. It would've been quite easy to have mistaken her for being asleep. The two detectives on the other hand, were looking over the new information they had gotten throughout the day. They had gotten deep into the investigation when Heizou's phone went off.

After quickly glancing at the number that was calling, he quickly picked up the phone and greeted the person on the other side, putting the phone on speaker. There was a series of beeps and sounds before a glitchy voice spoke. All three were surprised by the news, but before the voice had finished, the call was cut off.

The detective's quickly grabbed their things and rushed out the door. Y/n stared at the door for a good minute before sighing. She got up to make herself a cup of coffee when Heizou opened the door, pointed at her and told her not to do anything stupid, then leaving once more.

Y/n held the edge of the counter, head lowered, as she listened to the sound of coffee filling up a mug. She brushed her hair back with her hand, calming herself down. The news she had just learned... she wished she could unhear it.

"Maybe I'll go for a walk..."


Y/n strolled through the streets with an empty expression. She had pulled on a mask to avoid recognition, though she doubted she would've been recognized anyways. Without realizing she had walked back to her home which was still under the control of the police. She then took a moment to stop and pray that Gorou passed on safely.

Next, she found herself standing in front of the one shop she had always stolen from. Y/n was a bit hesitant to walk in at first but decided to go in still. Gliding her hand across the merchandise, she grew a bit paranoid, glancing around the shop every few seconds. As her uneasiness grew she decided to leave and continue her walk.

Y/n hadn't gone far when she decided to go back into the shop. This time she took a good look at all the items, planning what she would need once she was on the run again and wasn't under the "protection" of Heizou. She held out her hand to a bag of chips, but her hand trembled and wouldn't move any closer than an inch away from the bag. Had she grown soft?

Y/n quickly ran out of the shop and when she looked up again she was in an alleyway she used to use after her usual thieveries. 'Stupid.' she told herself over and over again and leaning onto a cold brick wall, she closed her eyes, suppressing tears.

'How can I call myself a damn thief if I can't even steal a bag of chips?'

Time passed by and Y/n had fallen asleep, her head resting on her arms which laid on her knees. It was growing closer to midnight and it was a wonder how she was still asleep. Close by, a certain someone let out heavy breaths before sighing with relief. They knelt down in front of the sleeping girl and placed a gentle hand on her tear-stained cheeks. After some time they quietly whispered, "I can't seem to catch a break when I'm with you... Why don't you... steal me, sometime, Y/n?"


A/N: I'm not late. You are. >:)

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