Chapter 22

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After Y/n's short absence from work, Hatsu and Kota clinged to her more than usual

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After Y/n's short absence from work, Hatsu and Kota clinged to her more than usual. Although the twins had gotten closer with the other staff members and children, they still seemed more at ease with Y/n by their side. Miss Chinen was exceptionally caring to her when she came back, bringing her snacks, small amounts of money (despite Y/n's refusal), and many more. The way she acted was quite motherly.

"Miss Chinen, please, there's no need to keep bringing in items for me. It was just a cold."

"No no. Even if it was just a cold you should take better care of yourself and you're always working so hard here."

Y/n sighed, knowing there was no way to stop Miss Chinen. With the new year, the other children the woman had fostered/adopted had either grown up and moved out or had moved back in with their families. Because she only had the twins to take care of now, Miss Chinen did not have to work much causing her to start caring for Y/n more often as that is who she was, a woman that lives to take care of others.

Miss Chinen signed out the children and was about to leave when she paused. She turned back around and held Y/n's hand.

"Y/n, dear, why don't you come over for dinner later today? A few friends are coming as well, but I'm sure they'd be delighted to meet you."

"Uhm... are you sure that's alright?"

"Of course! Then I'll see you later as well?"

Unsure of how to respond, Y/n merely nodded and Miss Chinen left with a smile on her face.


Miss Chinen's house was pretty far from Heizou's and since he and Kazuha also had to go to a late work meeting, he dropped Y/n off. After thanking Heizou and letting him know that she'll call or text him when she was ready to go, she got out of the car and made her way to the door. An unknown woman opened the door when she rang the doorbell, and although Y/n felt awkward, the woman energetically let her in.

As she came in, she went to the kitchen (with Miss Chinen's help) and left the basket of fruits she brought while Miss Chinen happily introduced her to her friends. Y/n thought it wouldn't be that bad and that she could have a good time until she walked into the living room, where the women had all gathered. Sitting on the couch bored was Hibiki and her Aunt Chiyo greeting the others while still taking off her shoes.

Hibiki noticed her the moment she walked in. The two stared into each other's souls as if mentally sending death threats to each other. Neither one of them broke eye contact until her aunt came over to her.

"Y/n! I didn't know you were close with Yua!" Aunt Chiyo exclaimed, placing her arm around Y/n's shoulders.

"Ah, Aunt Chiyo. I didn't know you were still in the area." Y/n replied sarcastically, but no one seemed to mind.

Her aunt laughed. "After you rejected me at your house, I was lucky enough to run into none other than Chinen Yua. She really helped me out of the dumps. Now, go hang out with Hibiki. I'm sure she'll be on her phone all night unless you spark up a conversation."

After saying all that, her aunt pushed her towards the couch playfully. Y/n begrudgingly dragged herself to the couch and sat down on the opposite side Hibiki was on. Glancing towards the stairs, Y/n saw Hatsu and Kota peeking out. She waved to the twins, wondering if they could even see her, which they did, proven by how they ran down the stairs and ambushed Y/n.

Hibiki scoffed at the sight of Y/n caring for the two kids. Y/n sent a glare towards her in response. Hatsu and Kota watched the cousins' silent quarreling in curiosity. They looked at each other before Hatsu pat Y/n's hand.

"Miss Y/n, do you not like Miss Hibiki?"

"Huh? No, no, it's not like that." Y/n quickly lied, hoping the children wouldn't be upset.


As it had gotten late, Miss Chinen put the twins to bed, but it was probably hard for the twins to sleep with all the noise. Y/n had gotten fairly acquainted with the other women and spent some time talking with them while Hibiki kept scrolling through her phone like usual. Her aunt isn't all that bad, she's just quite persistent and a bit over demanding.

Looking at the clock, mostly due to boredom, she decided that now was her time to leave. She sat down on the couch, again on the opposite side of Hibiki, and texted Heizou. The detective texted back almost immediately, saying he would be there in a bit. Y/n leaned back into the sofa cushions after his reply. Turning her gaze to Hibiki, she felt like she just had to ask Hibiki about everything.


Her cousin looked over with a slightly annoyed look, but said nothing in response.

"What's up with you and your obsession over Heizou?"

Hibiki huffed, "None of this is about him."


Hibiki no longer responded to her and began to ignore her. Deciding not to push it anymore, especially since she was a guest in Miss Chinen's home, Y/n rolled her eyes and blankly stared at her phone, awaiting Heizou's text saying he's here.




when can you begin my request


shut the hell up already and be patient

two days


you can't do any earlier


yk this is why i'd rather slit your throat than cooperate w/ you

two days, no earlier


remember not to bring anything personal into this


says the person with personal reasons



A/N: a little shorter chapter today. btw voting is still happening: 

Albedo - Model AU: 5 votes

Cyno - Enemies to Lovers: 7 votes

Tighnari - contracted relationship: 4 votes

I changed the Tighnari ff idea again because I didn't think of it until like a few days ago. anyways, that's it, hope you enjoyed! <3

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