Chapter 11

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The small red light skidded around the alleyway and disappeared when it reached an intersection between two paths

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The small red light skidded around the alleyway and disappeared when it reached an intersection between two paths. Heizou stood in the middle of the intersection, eyeing all four directions while preparing his gun. A small clicking sound behind him alarmed him and when he turned his head a flash of silver darted past him digging into his left arm. The dark red blood dripped onto the ground as the detective ripped off a piece of his shirt to make a makeshift bandage.

There was a barely audible chuckle to the right and once again a silver flash dashed by. This time, Heizou was a bit more prepared and was able to dodge most of the attack. His right leg was still scraped, letting out a droplet of blood. Before he regained his balance, the attacker rushed straight towards him. The knife stabbed his side, but the impact wasn't as harsh as he had mostly knocked the attacker's arm away from him.

Heizou held his side, taking unsteady breaths. He could see the silhouette of a person standing in front of him. The person let out a maniacal laugh.

"If I had known you were this weak, I would've gotten rid of you sooner!"

The person walked closer to the detective, but stopped when the gun was pointed at them. Heizou could hear an inaudible string of cursing before they sighed.

"What's your reason for all your recent murders and attacks, Aikawa Ryo?"

"Hm. You're in the way. You're all in the way."

The detective was confused but did not let his guard down. As he was about to ask another question, Ryo continued to speak.

"After that day she accepted me when no one else did, I realized, when will I ever get the chance to have someone who genuinely cares about me again? I tried to keep her by me, but all of you worthless and pathetic people kept getting in my way. She's lived such a brutal life! If none of you crossed paths with her, she could've been happier!"

Heizou could see the large grin on Ryo's face and the deranged glimmer in his eyes as he talked. Just then, the man turned around and began walking away, turning his head once more and mouthing the word: poison. The detective's eyes widened. He tried to chase after the murderer, but a sudden pain throught his body struck him, rendering his body useless. Before blacking-out, he pressed the emergency button on his tracking device, a loud and long beep echoed all around him.


"You do realize that there is no trust between us, correct? I have no reason to believe that you did not send Aikawa Ryo after all those people."

Y/n's hands, which were placed on the glass window between her and the room Heizou was in, curled up into fists. She gave the woman a slight nod as her head hung low. Tears threatened to pour out, but she suppressed it by biting on her bottom lip, trying not to look at the weakened state of the detective.

Although Sara knew Y/n was not the cause, she had every right to be cautious. Y/n also thought that if she was in the woman's position, she would suspect herself as well. Each time she had gotten in close contact with someone, something terrible would happen. She had been grateful that Kokomi and Heizou were still alright, but now the detective has also fallen prey to the murderer, her brother.

After taking a shaky breath, Y/n turned to the woman with her hands out. "I will take full responsibility for the recent events, just please make sure everyone who has been harmed recovers well."

Fully expecting to be cuffed, Y/n was taken off guard when she felt a hand pat her head. She looked up at Sara, who had a sympathetic smile on her face. The woman shook her head.

"I am a police officer. And although you are a criminal yourself, I will choose to trust in my colleague for this case."

At this point, Y/n could no longer keep her tears in.


"Goodness! Look at how pale she looks. She looks as if she'll faint at any moment."

"Such a poor and fragile child..."

"Don't forget she's a criminal. The only reason she's here is because she needs to be watched over by Mr. Kamisato now that the detective's injured."

Y/n clasped her hands together and placed them up to her forehead, with a shaky sigh. She felt light-headed and due to her uneasiness because of the past events, her perception had temporarily diminished. Everything that was happening around her flew out of her mind, she could not concentrate on anything at all.

"What are you three doing just standing around? Have you already finished all of your work?"

The three maids immediately shook their heads and headed back to finish their work. A tall blonde haired man walked next to Y/n and placed a cup of water on the table, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. Y/n flinched in surprise, but shortly calmed down after realizing it was only Thoma, the housekeeper of the Kamisato estate and her previous manager.

"Y/n, you know I tell you this a lot, but do not dehydrate yourself. It's not good for you." Thoma advised.

Although she gave him a small nod, she did not move to pick up the glass of water and instead stared blankly out the window. Realizing that he would not be able to convince her at the moment, Thoma decided to leave and come back later when she had settled down better.

The voice from before continued to persist in her mind and caused her terrible headaches. She didn't think she had a separate personality as she doesn't recall anything considerately traumatizing from when she was younger, but she did consider the possibility. Something was messing with her, torturing her. Perhaps the detective had impacted her more than she wanted to believe.


'Why do I care so much?'

You don't.

'Since when did Heizou become a part of my life?'

He never did.

'I can't think straight!'


'Tell me what's wrong with me...'


'Let me go.'


A/N: Guess who actually might do a double post this weekend? (Btw I probably won't make this angst cuz I suck at that and bc I like happy endings yw) <3

Edit: Thanks to all of you for noticing and remembering, I changed the Thoma scene a bit because I had forgotten that I had Y/n work at a cafe earlier on in the ff.

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