Chapter 25

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*A few years later*

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*A few years later*

This particular spring afternoon had a calming chillness to it as Y/n made her way to a busy and active elementary school. Children were running around and playing, some were taking pictures with family members, and some ate snacks. Today, the current 6th graders were graduating elementary school.

(A/N: Some countries in Asia like Japan and Korea use a 6-3-3 system where elementary school is 6 years and middle school and high school are 3 years.)

"It's Miss Y/n!" a voice yelled out.

Two energetic children ran up to Y/n and pulled her into a big hug. Hatsu and Kota were two of many children who were graduating today and Y/n had come to see them on their special day. Over the past few years, Y/n had become a well known author and also worked part-time at a flower shop, quitting her job at the daycare and cafe (although that happened a long time ago). Even though she no longer worked with children anymore, she still kept in touch with Miss Chinen and the twins.

Miss Chinen had also officially become Mrs. Hino after marrying a kind professor she met at work one day. Their wedding was a heart-warming moment, Y/n was able to witness as if the two were her parents. Mr. Hino also willingly took care of Y/n as his wife had been doing for the past years.

"Y/n, thank goodness you're here, the kids wouldn't stop asking when you would arrive." Mrs. Hino sighed.

Y/n chuckled. "Sorry, I had to help Heizou with a few things."


Waving the small photo in her hands, Y/n smiled, thinking of framing it and placing it on her desk. Hatsu, Kota, and herself were smiling in the photo with the wonderful sunset of a nearby park behind them.

Y/n opened the door to the house to find a slightly worried, slightly angered Heizou. Confused, Y/n waited for a second before awkwardly walking into the living room. Heizou watched her silently until she couldn't take it anymore.

"Alright! Okay, what's wrong, Heizou?" Y/n groans.

"Do you have any idea what time it is right now? It's almost 10 right now."

Heizou had grown a little paranoid of letting Y/n out late at night after previous incidents, becoming a little too protective. She had told him countless times that there was no need to worry, but he's a stubborn detective.


"'So?'" Heizou mocked, "Y/n, something could've happened to you and you're brushing it off with a 'So?'"

"I've said it before, Heizou. This isn't anything to be worried about-"

"Nothing to be worried about my ass. Y/n, I'm serious."

"I'm serious too."

The two looked dead straight into each other's eyes to show how serious they were. Then Y/n stormed up the stairs, leaving Heizou behind.


The next morning, Heizou wasn't in the house. Y/n looked around about two times before deciding that he was probably at work or would just be back later. She checked through the kitchen and living room for a note just in case though. After a bit, she gave up and got herself ready to go to work.

The shop had a relaxing atmosphere and always smelled wonderful with fresh flowers everywhere. Y/n usually took morning shifts and was almost always the only one working during the first few hours of the morning, so she was surprised to find one of her coworkers there.

"Oh, Azumi! What are you doing here today?"

"Hey, Y/n! Someone placed an early morning order last night so I decided to take it for you."

"Really? Well, anyways, thanks."

"Of course."

Y/n and Azumi had a pleasant conversation as they watered the plants, waiting for customers to walk in at any time. Time went by and after some customers it was nearing lunch time and the end of Y/n's shift. The shop never had too many customers since no one really needed flowers on a daily basis. Y/n took off her apron and checked the clock.

Noticing, Azumi said, "Why don't you leave a few minutes early today? I'll take care of everything until someone else comes."

"Are you sure?"

"It's just a few minutes."

Y/n smiled and after thanking Azumi, she left the shop.


While taking a walk after eating, Y/n stops by the park like always. It was a getaway place for her. She was a bit worried about Heizou, since she hadn't heard anything from him since their argument the previous night.

She doesn't stay as long as usual and decides to head back to the house, hoping Heizou might have returned. Y/n hadn't gotten very far when she received a text from him. He told her to go to the outskirts of Ritou, which she found odd, but went anyway.

When she got there, she didn't find anyone and the detective had bright auburn hair, so it was hard to miss him if he was there. She began wondering if Heizou stood her up as a prank, but that thought was completely trashed when she felt someone tap her shoulder from behind.

Y/n turned around to find none other than Heizou down on one knee with a bundle of flowers next to him.

"I... uh actually planned to do this yesterday, but... Y/n, will you marry me?"

Y/n was rendered speechless for a moment, but immediately responded after processing what was happening. She hugged Heizou tightly, saying yes over and over again. Behind a few large rocks the Hino family, Kazuha, and a few friends rushed over, bringing the two into a large group hug.


"A thief and a detective is kind of a weird but normal duo, what do you think?"

"Well, that's what we are isn't it? Are you calling us weird?"



A/N: I wasn't sure how to end it so like I hope it's okay lmao. Anyways this is the end of the ff, thank you so much for reading. Like I said in the previous chapter, I will be going on a break from writing for a while so those of you awaiting my upcoming ff, it'll take a while. Bye, thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! <3

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